: I'm suggesting we keep /update mapped to SolrUpdateServlet in web.xml, but 
:   <requestHandler name="/update" class="solr.XmlUpdateRequestHandler" >
: in solrconfig.xml.  The only serious problem i see with that is that

yeah, that's the *example* solrconfig, which is why i'm on board with it
... it doesn't affect existing users in anyway unless they change their

: /update and /update/ could go to two different places.  I'm not sure
: why web.xml has update mapped to /update/*

why would /update and /update/ be treated differently? dispatch filter
will take them both and give them to XmlUpdateRequestHandler because it
does prefix matching right?

: I am not sure what we should do with the DispatchFilter handle-select 
:     <init-param>
:       <param-name>handle-select</param-name>
:       <param-value>true</param-value>
:     </init-param>
: This would have the same error handling (and response codes) for
:  /select?qt=xxx as it does for /path/mapped/in/config

i don't think we should do this: 1) it changes things under the covers for
existing users; 2) people are probably going to use one URL structure or
the other, the two don't really need to be perfectly consistent in their
behavior.  The only reason i think we should eventually change this will
be down the road when we want to competely eliminte the old code paths
because we are confident very few people are using them because the
examplles have all had the new style.

which brings up a key point: we should change all the example urls in the
wiki/tutorial to use the new URL style.

: All of these are useful to people getting started with solr and
: helpful debugging tools.  I've convinced a bunch of people to use solr

I personally don't think we need to wait on any new functionality -- this
release will already be fairly significant given what's already been
commited (and that it's post incubation so all of hte release steps need
to be re-sanity checked).

: The one thing i can think of is that it would be nice to solidify the
: "handler" package as the place that request handlers go.  How do you
: feel about deprecating o.a.s.request.StandardRequestHandler and moving
: it to o.a.s.handler.StandardRequestHandler -- same for
: DisMaxRequestHandler

adding some package.html files clarifying what *should* be in each package
definitely makes sense ... moving the existing request handlers is
definitely a lower priority (especially since even if we move them, we'll
need the placeholder subclasses for people currently subclassing them)


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