
Thanks for the links Hoss, I personally wouldn't prefer to use a framework
for something built into Java itself. Infact, this discussion prompted me to
think about why Tomcat is not using commons-logging if it is such a great

On Tue, Apr 22, 2008 at 10:24 PM, Chris Hostetter <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

> : I know logging is sometimes a religious debate, but would others
> consider a
> : patch that switched Solr to use log4j?  Or, commons-logging?  I just
> don't
> : think JUL is up to snuff when it comes to logging.  It's a PITA to
> configure,
> : is not flexible, doesn't play nice with other logging systems and, all
> in all,
> : just seems like crappy design by committee where the lowest common
> denominator
> : won out.
> I'm opposed to this.  and I'vealready said everything i think needs to
> be said about the topic in this thread...
> http://www.nabble.com/Changing-Logging-in-Solr-to-Apache-Commons-Logging-to9728394.html
> ...I won't rehash all my points again, except to reiterate that:
>  1) JDK logging is first and foremost an API, with a default
> implementation.  If people spent as much time writing implementations of
> that API as they do writing other logging frameworks, or tweaking apps to
> work with multiple frameworks, the world would be a much better place.
>  2) If we do switch from something as universal as JDK logging to a
> differnet framework, then commons logging in particular is a really bad
> choice.  It is not ment to be a "logging framework" used by applications,
> it exists to be an abstraction to protect small libraries from needing
> to worry about the logging framework choices of hte applications that use
> them.  In the words of Rod Waldhoff...
> http://radio.weblogs.com/0122027/2003/08/15.html
> >> "In fact, there are very limited circumstances in which Commons Logging
> >> is useful. If you're building a stand-alone application, don't use
> >> commons-logging. If you're building an application server, don't use
> >> commons-logging. If you're building a moderately large framework, don't
> >> use commons-logging. If however, like the Jakarta Commons project,
> >> you're building a tiny little component that you intend for other
> >> developers to embed in their applications and frameworks, and you
> >> believe that logging information might be useful to those clients, and
> >> you can't be sure what logging framework they're going to want to use,
> >> then commons-logging might be useful to you.
> : Not too mention SolrJ uses commons-logging, so as it stands now Solr
> : uses two different logging mechanisms.
> SolrJ using commons logging isn't something I was particularly aware of,
> but it does in fact make sense given it's intended usage as library for
> use in other papplications.  That doesn't mean Solr is using two differnet
> mechanisms, it means that Solr as an application is using the JDK Logging
> API, and SolrJ as a library in use by Solr is using the commons-logging
> API on top of that ... the underlying logging implementation is still up
> to the end user running Solr in their servlet container.
> -Hoss

Shalin Shekhar Mangar.

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