: All the components initialized by Solr have an init(NamedList args)
: initializer. This leads us to writing the configuration needed for the
: component in the NamedList format. People familiar with Solr may know
: the format but most of what is wrtten is noise than information. For
: users who are not familiar w/ the format find it too difficult to
: understand why they have to write it this way

while i don't disagree with you that it's not the most compact way to 
express the configuration, one of the main reasons for going this in route 
in the first place was so that (in theory) an XSD could be used to 
validate the structure of the solrconfig.xml, because the "variable" 
aspects of configuring plugins exists only as attribute values and text -- 
not as node names or attribute names (like with Map initialized plugins)

there are still some other places in solrconfig.xml where the XML 
structure is variable (cache configs for one) but we (or at least: I) was 
trying to reduce that.


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