On Aug 5, 2008, at 3:46 PM, Grant Ingersoll wrote:
Well, we've been beating around the bush on 1.3 for a good amount of time now. How about we set a date and actually vote on it and thus make it pseudo-binding?

Finally!   (I'm of the "release early, release often" philosophy myself)

I see that we have 13 issues: 

I'm adding SOLR-513 assigned to me to get done by our cut-off date. I've applied the patch locally, and will work through the SolrDispatchFilter pathPrefix issue and commit when all is well.

SOLR-545: Remove Default core in multicore.  No patch available.

+1  - thanks Ryan!

SOLR-506: Enabling HTTP Cache Headers should be configurable. Sounds ready to commit, right Shalin?


SOLR-646: Config. props in multicore.xml Seems really useful, but is currently unassigned.

SOLR-614: Allow components to read any kind of XML. Has a couple of -1 on it that have been changed to -0

These two give me pause, not because they aren't clever and useful, but rather it pains me to see Solr take on so much config. management duties. It's a "code smell" to me to have a search engine be concerning itself deeply with configuration.

But in general these are indeed handy additions, provided they aren't abused.

SOLR-619: Dynamic copyField at runtime.  Rumor has it's completed...

Could the use case for this be explained? Why copyFields and not any other piece of config/schema?

0. Accept no more issues outside of this list, other than blockers for 1.3.

Let me add SOLR-513, and if for some reason it doesn't make it in, no big deal, but it'll be do-able by August 12.

1. Set August 12 as code freeze date. 1 week from today. After which, only doc changes and blockers are allowed. So, if the above isn't fixed by then, it's out unless someone wants to make it a blocker.


2. Code Freeze in effect for 5 days for testing of release candidates. Thus, the 1.3 release, assuming all goes well will be on the 17th or 18th (since the 17th is a Sunday.) Thus SOLR-489 in theory need not be complete by the 12th, but the 18th instead, although we might as well get it done.


What this means? Speak up now, unassign yourself, or otherwise "git 'r done" if you care about one of these issues.

I volunteer to be the release manager, unless someone else is dying to do it.

Thanks Grant for the prod!    Solr 1.3 here we come!


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