: All apache_solr_c_red.jpg flavoured logos have a total score of 94.
: That should be taken into account IMHO and we should reduce the number
: of choices for these ones.

To re-iterate a comment I made in SOLR-84 that "wouldn't be fair to the 
people who have been submitting ideas and then retracting them and 
resubmitting variations based on feedback."

People were told many, MANY, times throughout the process that submiting 
multiple "variant" entries would risk diluting the votes.  One of the 
purposes of the long period for submissions was to give people time to 
post ideas, get feedback, and then tweak submissions and people who did 
that shouldn't be "excluded" from the final vote for following the rules. 
(sslogo-solr-finder2.0.png is a prime example of this)


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