: There you go.  clear as mud!

: As I see it, we either call a new community poll -- nothing in the rules says
: we can't.  or vote on:

FWIW: My opinion hasn't really changed since i said...

>> committers should cast their votes as they feel appropriate to best 
>> serve the interests of the community -- it's not really different then 
>> voting on an implementation approach for a feature, or what logging 
>> framework to use, or a decisison to switch from java 1.5 to 1.6 ... we 
>> have to make a subjective decision based on the feedback we've observed 
>> from the community as a whole (with solr-logo-results.html serving as 
>> our cliff notes) 

... i suggest we move forward with a straight STV/IRV based vote of 
committers (if anyone was going to VETO a submission i'm sure they would 
have done it by now) and let individual committers rank things the way 
they feel best represents the wishes of community.  since we have to 
subjectively interpret the community vote, let's apply individual 
subjective interpretations and aggregate them (in line with the orriginal 
contest rules) instead of picking one arbitrary subjective interpretation 
and then voting +1.

If we can't trust ourselves to represent the community fairly on picking 
a logo, we have no business committing any code.


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