: right, but what should be the role of committers voting in the second round?
: Is it:
: 1. Rank the entries the committers like best
:  or
: 2. Rank the entries the committers think best represent the community
: preferences.
: My understanding of the purpose of the second round is to interpret the
: results of the community poll and cast a binding VOTE.  I think we should

committers should cast their votes as they feel appropriate to best serve 
the interests of the community -- it's not really different then voting on 
an implementation approach for a feature, or what logging framework to 
use, or a decisison to switch from java 1.5 to 1.6 ... we have to make a 
subjective decision based on the feedback we've observed from the 
community as a whole (with solr-logo-results.html serving as our cliff 


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