: Subject: logging revisited...

I'm starting to think Ryan woke up today and asked himself "what's the 
best way to screw with Hoss on his day off when he's only casually 
skimming email?"

: So, with that in mind I think we should consider using the commons-logging API
: and shipping the .war file with the slf4j drop in replacement.  The behavior
: will be identical and their will be one fewer libraries.  The loss is the
: potential to use some of slf4j's more advanced logging features, but I don't
: see us taking advantage of that anyway.

so if i'm understanding your suggestion correctly:

1) we change all of the logging calls in solr to compile against the 
commons-logging API. 
2) we do *not* ship with the commons-logging api. 
3) we ship with an slf4j provided jar that implements the commons-logging 
api, funnels the log messages through slf4j and uses java.util.logging as 
it's output by default.
4) people who want to configure solr logging via some other favorite 
logging framework (log4j, etc...) can still add another magic slf4j jar to 
make slf4j write to their framework of choice instead of 

...do i have that correctly?

I feel dirty just thinking about this.

I think i may just abstain from any and all current or future discussions 
or decisions about logging.  I'm really not that old, but I feel like I 
age 5 years every time the topic comes up.


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