Funny you should mention it, b/c I had an idea the other day of how to speed all this up, plus will satisfy one of my other annoyances with the example and make it easier for people to get started (I think). So, here goes:

Instead of a kitchen-sink example directory, we "revert" it back to being the tutorial example. It still can get built by ant example, but ultimately we "deprecate" it (more later).

Then, as a replacement, we create a directory containing what I would call Solr Templates, which contain subdirectories named appropriately for the kind of example. Rather than explain, I'll give an example:

The templates directory would contain the configurations (i.e. schema.xml and solrconfig.xml) and any sample docs (but not the libraries) for:
        tutorial - The current tutorial example
        dih - The DIH example
        extraction - Solr Cell example
        geo - geo spatial example (once 773 is committed)
        clustering - once SOLR-769 is committed
simple - A barebones schema and config (mainly used for bootstrapping a new project for experienced users) exploratory - Basically, the same as simple, but the schema defines a single dynamic field - Think of Hoss's Solr Out of the Box talk from ApacheCon whereby you want to quickly explore a new data set without having to define a schema.
        [other] -

Note, the templates directory could also live under each contrib, but it isn't necessarily a 1-1 thing (e.g. simple and exploratory templates are not contrib-specific).

Then, typing "ant example" would copy the necessary tutorial stuff to the example directory (which still contains the Jetty stuff) but would not have to recurse into any of the contribs.

Typing "ant example -Dtype=clustering" would copy the clustering requirements, plus go to contrib/clustering (or whatever) and get the appropriate material such that the example directory. Similarly for any of the other "templates"

Additionally, you could also define -DoutputDir such that it would take and copy the whole example directory (including the appropriate type) to some output dir. This would allow one to quickly bootstrap a Solr project without having to do a lot of schema editing.




On Apr 13, 2009, at 1:56 PM, Shalin Shekhar Mangar wrote:


As part of SOLR-934, I'd like to setup an example for indexing mail boxes with the existing example/example-DIH demo. I see that ant example has a dependency on example-contrib. Do we want to do that? I vaguely remember
Yonik complaining about the time ant example takes.

For setting up the MailEntityProcessor, I'd have to copy mail, activation and tika jars to example-DIH/solr/mail/lib, which will make it extra slow. How about we remove the dependency to example-contrib and keep it as an
independent target?

Shalin Shekhar Mangar.

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