I was aiming simple... like some simple tweaks to SolrResourceLoader, at least a way to allow plugins to all live separately and wired into a single Solr instance without copying files and such.

What would it take to wire in OSGI (I know nothing about it)?


On Apr 22, 2009, at 12:18 PM, Grant Ingersoll wrote:

Even better, is probably something like OSGI where we can make sure that we have some level of isolation between the class loaders so that we can have different versions of different JARs w/o breaking the application. Since it is clear that Solr is entering into a "contrib" phase, it is only a matter of time before we start having version clashes between libraries.

On Apr 22, 2009, at 12:05 PM, Erik Hatcher wrote:

Wouldn't one solution to this bundling and aggregating/separating of examples and plugins be made a lot less painful if SolrResourceLoader could load from a list of directories rather than only a single directory? What are the negatives to adding that support? Let's keep solr.war lean and mean, with all extensions simply appended to a list of JAR containing directories?

I know, we're recreating a container of sorts, but we already got SolrResourceLoader, so maybe just some tweaks there can make example bundling a lot more pleasurable?


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