This is an excellent idea.

When I find a problem and want to research the Lucene bugs that might
describe it, that is really hard with a trunk build. It's easy with a
release build.


On 6/25/09 4:18 AM, "Yonik Seeley" <> wrote:

> For the next release cycle (presumably 1.5?) I think we should really
> try to stick to released versions of Lucene, and not use dev/trunk
> versions.
> Early in Solr's lifetime, Lucene trunk was more stable (APIs changed
> little, even on non-released versions), and Lucene releases were few
> and far between.
> Today, the pace of change in Lucene has quickened, and Lucene APIs are
> much more in flux until a release is made.  It's also now harder to
> support a Lucene dev release given the growth in complexity
> (particularly for indexing code).  Releases are made more often too,
> making using released versions more practical.
> Many of our users dislike our use of dev versions of Lucene too.
> And yes, 1.4 isn't out the door yet - but people often tend to hit the
> ground running on the next release.
> -Yonik

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