Hi Hoss, 

Comments inline:

> : Potentially -- my problem is, why is XMLWriter a sacred cow? There's not
> I'm not trying to suggest that it should be ... my point wasn't to
> suggest that we shouldn't modify XMLWriter because it needs to be
> preserved as is -- my point was that given XMLWriter's origins, trying to
> shoehorn general purpose functionality into it is prbably going to be an
> uphill battle, and it might be easier and more beneficial in the long term
> to approach the problem from a "what kind of utilities/helper code would
> make it easier for people to write custom Response Writers that generate
> structures of their own choosing in XML?"

+1, gotcha.

> : even a SOLR namespace or DTD to go along with it? Why should users be able
> : to inject their own custom XML into it -- it would seem that FieldTypes have
> : the ability to do this anyways (e.g., I can declare any new type of field
> : and its XML output [without namespaces sure, but still])...
> i'm not understanding what you mean ... i'm not fond of the way we have
> FieldType.write(XMLWriter xmlWriter, String name, Fieldable f) and
> FieldType.write(TextResponseWriter writer, String name, Fieldable f) ...
> but those methods don't allow custom fieldtypes to inject arbitrary XML,
> they're still confined to the existing XMLWriter and TextResponseWriter
> APIs -- those hooks just give the FieldType the ability to call the
> approraite write method (writeStr, writeInt, etc...) based on the
> inherient type of the data.

Sure, but my point was, I am still able to call xmlWriter.writePrim which
lets me write XML tags with unbound names in an arbitrary fashion. In other
words, I can make my field (for XML) instead of spitting out:

<arr name="booya">
     <int name="booya2">2</int>

Spit out:
<mycustomtag name="somename">someval</mycustomtag>

Using the writePrim method as it stands. So, I'm looking at a near term
solution versus a longer term solution. Your proposal is the correct
long-term solution, for sure. I would imagine then the XmlWriter that exists
would become nothing more than a thin wrapper around our robust
XMLReponseWriter framework that we'll write in order to keep backwards
compat with XmlWriter peeps, no?


Chris Mattmann, Ph.D.
Senior Computer Scientist
NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory Pasadena, CA 91109 USA
Office: 171-266B, Mailstop: 171-246
Email: chris.mattm...@jpl.nasa.gov
WWW:   http://sunset.usc.edu/~mattmann/
Adjunct Assistant Professor, Computer Science Department
University of Southern California, Los Angeles, CA 90089 USA

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