On Mon, Nov 23, 2009 at 7:04 PM, Chris Hostetter
<hossman_luc...@fucit.org> wrote:
> XMLWriter was originally created
> to be a wrapper arround a java.io.Writer that had convinent heper methods
> for generating a specific XML response format (ie: wt=xml) back before
> Solr even supported multiple output types.

Indeed - my longer term plans always included getting rid of it and
re-implementing as a subclass of TextResponseWriter and getting rid of
the XMLWriter set of methods on FieldType:
   * Renders the specified field as XML
  public abstract void write(XMLWriter xmlWriter, String name,
Fieldable f) throws IOException;

   * calls back to TextResponseWriter to write the field value
  public abstract void write(TextResponseWriter writer, String name,
Fieldable f) throws IOException;

ResponseWriters in general have always been very expert level... we
change as we need to add new features.
The specific implementations certainly not designed to be subclassed
by users with any back compat guarantees.   People were not even able
to subclass XMLWriter in the past.


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