In SOLR-1586, the proposed patch introduces the concept that a Solr response 
can declare a namespace for part of the response (in this case, it is using the 
tags defined by to specify a point, etc.).  I'm not sure what to 
make of this.  My gut reaction says no, but I'm not a namespace expert and I 
also don't feel strongly about it.

Discussion points:
1. If there are standard namespaces, then people can use them to do fun XML 
2. If we allow them, we get all of the other benefits of namespaces...
3. The indexing side doesn't support them, so it seems odd to put in something 
like <field name="point">55.3 27.9</field> and get back <georss:point 
name="point"> 55.3 27.9</georss:point>.  At the same time, it seems equally 
weird to get back <str name="point">...</str> when there is in fact more 
semantic information available about this particular field that would otherwise 
require more work by an application to make sense of.
4. If we let in other namespaces, we then are opening ourselves to longer 
responses, etc.  It is also likely the case that there isn't just one standard. 
 This likely could mean slower responses, etc.
5. If people wanted them, they could just do XSLT, but that is an extra step 

An alternative is that we could refactor things a bit and allow the FieldType 
to specify the tag name instead of it being hardcoded in the writers.  This way 
people writing FieldTypes could define them.  For instance, we could have 
FieldType.getTagName() that could be overridden and clients could have tools 
for introspecting this.

I'm not sure what effect any of this would have on downstream clients, either.



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