Hi Hoss:

On 12/15/09 6:39 PM, "Chris Hostetter" <hossman_luc...@fucit.org> wrote:

> : > a SolrQueryResponse, no one has ever accused any of those response writers
> : > of not being flexible enough to generate a *different* type of response in
> : > those formats.
> :
> : You may be right, but actually quite a few issues have referenced even non
> : XMLWriters of similar issues. See:
> I honeslty don't understand what you're getting at here, this list of
> issues is all over the map and almost none of them relate to the
> extensibility of any request handlers...

They may be all over the map, but in general they address your statement
about "non-XML response writers" being flexible enough to generate a
different type of response (although admittedly, none are as clear at the
XMLWriter examples, I'll give you that). The examples I gave were just based
on a quick search of JIRA.

> : Maybe, maybe not. I'm not sure the effect is to make it crystal clear as
> : much as it is to make it "clearer". XMLWriter is totally ambiguous -- what
> : type of "XML" does it generate? I would argue "SOLR response XML", hence the
> : SorlXmlResponseWriter.
> eh ... agree to disagree i guess. it seems just as valid to say that
> "UpdateCommand" -- what type of data does it update? ... or that
> "RequestHandler" is ambigious because it can only handle "Solr" requests,
> so it should be title "SolrRequestHandler".

True! I guess it's just aesthetics. I can go either way, but I dunno. (and
yes, just to be a pest, What type of data does that UpdateCommand update?)

> we have enough ambiguity and confusion with some of our config file
> options and names that non-java users see ... the ones that only plugin
> writers see i'm less concerned with ... better to beef up the javadocs
> that deal with a bunch of deprecation headaches just to add "Solr" to the
> front of a class name.

You give a little, you get a little back. Maybe a compromise is to called it
NamedListResponseWriter, b/c that's really what it writes, no? Naming can be
a pain -- I'll try and think of a good one when I'm preparing the patch for

Thanks for the discussion. Helps to clarify things!


Chris Mattmann, Ph.D.
Senior Computer Scientist
NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory Pasadena, CA 91109 USA
Office: 171-266B, Mailstop: 171-246
Email: chris.mattm...@jpl.nasa.gov
WWW:   http://sunset.usc.edu/~mattmann/
Adjunct Assistant Professor, Computer Science Department University of
Southern California, Los Angeles, CA 90089 USA

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