Hi Solr-dev,


I've had a good look 'round for this functionality/patches etc., and I couldn't 
find anything. Before delving deeper into the possibilities, I thought I'd put 
this rfe to the experts for comments/'been there, done that' etc...:



To add the ability to tag indexed field values (a.o.t fields), regardless of 
the field they may show up in. Then have the ability to query on this tag, and 
all documents where the tag evaluates to a match are returned.


An example:

Let's say things are configured to tag specific email addresses that end in 
@salesoffice.co.uk. (e.g. match on *...@salesoffice.co.uk) with a tag called 

During indexing, whenever such a value is encountered, it is associated with 
this tag (probably added to a table with async persistence or similar).

A user can then perform a search something like q:*:*&tag=UKSalesEmail, which 
proceeds to return all documents that match *...@salesoffice.co.uk.


This might be thought of as 'synonyms for values'.

The above example is pretty simple, but such a feature becomes useful with the 
ability to support one-to-many/many-to-many values - e.g. 'UKSalesEmail' might 
instead evaluate to a list of 50 sales employee's specific email addresses, 
rather than a simple wildcard (the list would likely change over time as 
employees are hired/sacked; the query user probably wouldn't know all the 
names, and certainly wouldn't want to type them all in). Similarly, 
'f...@salesoffice.co.uk' might be associated with a number of different tags 
(e.g. 'UKSalesOffice', 'UKEmployee', 'BigCorporateBehemoth', 
'HighRiskEmployee', 'DrinksOnFridayTeam' etc.).


Does Solr possess such functionality at the moment, or is there a [planned] 
patch for this sort of thing?

If not, does the community have any thoughts on an enhancement along these 


Many thanks,


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