: I don't believe index-time will be involved in this sort of 
: functionality, as there's no way to know at index-time what 'tag groups' 
: a given term will be in at any given time.

assuming it's a requirement that tags can be changed at any time, then no 
-- an index time expansion won't cut it.

: This leads me to believe that a query request parser plugin approach 
: might be best. Something that can receive queries when the relevant 
: keyword is present (e.g. tag=blah) and translate the parameters into 
: their current tag member equivalvents.

a QParserPlugin would probably be the simplest way ... just translate your 
syntax from "tag=foo" to "fq={!tag}foo" and then register "tag" as the 
name of a QParser that knows how to check your special file to translate 
"foo" into some complex query.


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