: > > What is "faceted browsing"? Maybe an example of a site interface

Whoops! ... sorry about that, i tend to get ahead of my self.

The examples Erik pointed out are very representative, but there are more
subtle ways faceted searching can come into play -- for example, if you
look at these two search results...


...the categories in the left nav change based on what you search on,
because we treat "category" as a facet, and the individual categories as
possible "constraints" ... we don't show the user the exact count of how
many products match in each category but we use that information to
determine the order of the categories (or wether we should include a
category in the list at all)

: website and this would be a great way to break out content. Kind of greys
: the lines between what is search and what is browsing categories, which is a
: great thing actually. Thanks for the help.

Even without facets, "browsing" a set of documents is just a search for
"all" docuemnts (or depending on who you talk to: "searching" is just
browsing with a special user entered constraint on the "text" facet)


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