On 9/22/06 12:25 PM, "Tim Archambault" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

> A recruitment (jobs) customer goes onto our website and posts an online job
> posting to our newspaper website. Upon insert into the database, I need to
> generate an xml file to be sent to SOLR to ADD as  a record to the search
> engine. Same  goes for an edit, my database updates the record and then I
> have to send an ADD statement to Solr again to commit my change. 2x the
> work.
> I've been talking with other papers about Solr and I think what bothers many
> is that there a is a deposit of information in a structured database here
> [named A], then we have another set of basically the same data over here
> [named B] and they don't understand why they have to manage to different
> sets of data [A & B] that are virtually the same thing.

The work isn't duplicated. Two servers are building two kinds of index,
a transactional record index and a text index. That is two kinds of
work, not a duplication.

Storing the data is the small part of a database or a search engine.
The indexes are the real benefit.

In fact, the data does not have to be stored in Solr. You can return a
database key as the only field, then get the details from the database.
That is  how our current search works -- the search result is a list
of keys in relevance order. Period.

Walter Underwood
Search Guru, Netflix

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