doesn't compass use multiple indexes?

have a read of the "direct lucene" box on

would that prevent the two being used together? i'd be interested in getting the two working together as well, it'd be great to have the compass api to create the indexes and use solr to expose them over http.

Yonik Seeley wrote:
One could do a very loose coupling by just pointing Solr at the index
created by Compass, and send a commit command to solr whenever you
want a new view of the index.


On 1/10/07, Jochen Franke <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Currently I'm investigating different Lucene based
search technologies.

For the indexing of our object model my favorite
is Compass because of the Object/Search Engine Mapping
At the same time Solr offers serveral nice features
like faceted search and caching.

Has anybody integrated or tried to integrate
Solr with Compass already and can share experiences.


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