On Apr 26, 2007, at 6:03 PM, Michael Kimsal wrote:
My colleague, after some digging, found in SolrQueryParser

(around line 62)

The default for Lucene is true. Was this intentional? Or an oversight?

I was just about to respond that this is likely the issue with your non-totally-lowercased wildcard terms.

I don't consider it an oversight, but rather this whole analysis business and wildcards are things that vary from project to project on how they should be handled. If you, have, for example, a string field and want to do prefixed queries on them (trailing asterisk) you wouldn't want the term to be lowercased.

I think we should open up as many of the switches as we can to QueryParser, allowing users to tinker with them if they want, setting the defaults to the most common reasonable settings we can agree upon.


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