Check two related discussions:
where I suggested using slf4j


I'm still for switching to slf4j, but am pushing it as JDK logging is fine.

Siegfried Goeschl wrote:
Hi folks,

would be using commons-logging an improvement? It is a common requirement to hook up different logging infrastructure ..


Siegfried Goeschl

Erik Hatcher wrote:

On Jul 11, 2007, at 9:07 PM, solruser wrote:
How do I configure solr to use log4j logging. I am able to configure tomcat 5.5.23 to use log4j. But I could not get solr to use log4j. I have 3 context
of solr running in tomcat which refers to war file in commons.

Solr uses standard JDK logging. I'm sure it could be bridged to log4j somehow, but rather I'd recommend you just configure JDK logging how you'd like.


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