Why do one big commit? You could do hard commits along the way but keep
searcher open and not see the changes until the end.

Obviously a separate issue from memory consumption discussion, but thought
I'll add it anyway.

On 05/09/2014 3:30 am, "Li, Ryan" <ryan...@sensis.com.au> wrote:

> HI Shawn,
> Thanks for your reply.
> The memory setting of my Solr box is
> 12G physically memory.
> 4G for java (-Xmx4096m)
> The index size is around 4G in Solr 4.9, I think it was over 6G in Solr
> 4.0.
> I do think the RAM size of java is one of the reasons for this slowness.
> I'm doing one big commit and when the ingestion process finished 50%, I can
> see the solr server already used over 90% of full memory.
> I'll try to assign more RAM to Solr Java. But from your experience, does
> 4G sounds like a good number for Java heap size for my scenario? Is there
> any way to reduce memory usage during index time? (One thing I know is do a
> few commits instead of one commit. )  My concern is providing I have 12 G
> in total, If I assign too much to Solr server, I may not have enough for
> the OS to cache Solr index file.
> I had a look to solr config file, but couldn't find anything that
> obviously wrong, Just wondering which part of that config file would impact
> the index time?
> Thanks,
> Ryan
> One possible source of problems with that particular upgrade is the fact
> that stored field compression was added in 4.1, and termvector
> compression was added in 4.2.  They are on by default and cannot be
> turned off.  The compression is typically fast, but with very large
> documents like yours, it might result in pretty major computational
> overhead.  It can also require additional java heap, which ties into
> what follows:
> Another problem might be RAM-related.
> If your java heap is very large, or just a little bit too small, there
> can be major performance issues from garbage collection.  Based on the
> fact that the earlier version performed well, a too-small heap is more
> likely than a very large heap.
> If your index size is such that it can't be effectively cached by the
> amount of total RAM on the machine (minus the java heap assigned to
> Solr), that can cause performance problems.  Your index size is likely
> to be several gigabytes, and might even reach double-digit gigabytes.
> Can you relate those numbers -- index size, java heap size, and total
> system RAM?  If you can, it would also be a good idea to share your
> solrconfig.xml.
> Here's a wiki page that goes into more detail about possible performance
> issues.  It doesn't mention the possible compression problem:
> http://wiki.apache.org/solr/SolrPerformanceProblems
> Thanks,
> Shawn

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