
I have some question regarding nested document queries.

For example, let’s say that I have many books, one of which is the following one:
Book _title: Nested documents for dummies
Chapter1_Title: Introduction
Chapter1_Content: Nested documents are fun.
Chapter2_Title: Which technology should I use?
Chapter2_Content: Lucene of course!

First I want to find books that contain an introduction and that are about Lucene. So I decide to flatten my data and use 3 multivalued fields (Book_Title,Chapter_Title and Chapter_Content), I index my document and then I get what I want when I run the following query : “ chapter_title:Introduction AND chapter_title:Lucene “ But now I want to find books that contain “fun” in a chapter which name is “introduction”. My model is no more valid (Chapter2_content is no more linked with Chapter2_title). That is why I change my datamodel and use nested documents: I now have a parent with a single valued field Book_title and different childs with single valued fields Chapter_title and Chapter_Content. Now, when I run the query “chapter_title: Introduction AND chapter_content:fun” I also get what I want… But what do I have to do if I want to use these two kinds of query with a unique data model? Maybe the only way to do this is to use nested documents and to index data both in child documents and in a flattened form in the parent document. Then we will be able to run the two different queries.

Do you have any other (better) idea?

Thank you,



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