Hello Aurélien,

There are a lot of materials about this problem. Start from this one:

On Wed, Oct 22, 2014 at 6:08 PM, <aurelien.mazo...@francelabs.com> wrote:

> Hi Ramzi,
> Thank you but I am not sure to understand well your answer. In your
> example, I suppose that the indexed docs are flattened. If I want an AND
> query instead of an OR query (let say, for example 'chapter_title:Lucene
> AND chapter_content:fun'), how can I be sure that the terms "Lucene" and
> "fun" will be matched in the same chapter of the book? (since in this case
> chapter_content and chapter_title are multivalued fields)?
> Regards,
> Aurélien
> On 21.10.2014 19:59, Ramzi Alqrainy wrote:
>> I think if I have your question right, You can use multiple custom query
>> syntax. You explicitly specify an alternative query parser such as DisMax
>> or
>> eDisMax, you're using the standard Lucene query parser by default.
>> In your case, I think I can solve it by using this query
>> chapter_title:Introduction ( chapter_title:Lucene OR chapter_content:fun )
>> Here are some query examples demonstrating the query syntax.
>> *Keyword matching*
>> Search for word "foo" in the title field.
>> title:foo
>> Search for phrase "foo bar" in the title field.
>> title:"foo bar"
>> Search for phrase "foo bar" in the title field AND the phrase "quick fox"
>> in
>> the body field.
>> title:"foo bar" AND body:"quick fox"
>> Search for either the phrase "foo bar" in the title field AND the phrase
>> "quick fox" in the body field, or the word "fox" in the title field.
>> (title:"foo bar" AND body:"quick fox") OR title:fox
>> Search for word "foo" and not "bar" in the title field.
>> title:foo -title:bar
>> *Wildcard matching*
>> Search for any word that starts with "foo" in the title field.
>> title:foo*
>> Search for any word that starts with "foo" and ends with bar in the title
>> field.
>> title:foo*bar
>> Note that Lucene doesn't support using a * symbol as the first character
>> of
>> a search.
>> --
>> View this message in context:
>> http://lucene.472066.n3.nabble.com/Nested-documents-
>> in-Solr-tp4165099p4165232.html
>> Sent from the Solr - User mailing list archive at Nabble.com.
> Hi,
> I have question regarding nested document queries:
> For example, let’s say that I have the following book:
> Book _title: Nested document for dummies
> Chapter1_Title: Introduction
> Chapter1_Content: Nested documents are fun.
> Chapter2_Title: Which technology should I use?
> Chapter2_Content: Lucene of course!
> First I want to find books that contain an introduction and that are
> about Lucene. So I decide to flatten my data and use 3 multivalued fields
> (Book_Title,Chapter_Title and Chapter_Content), I index my document and
> then I get what I want when I use the following query : “
> chapter_title:Introduction AND chapter_title:Lucene “
> Now I want to find books that contain “fun” in a chapter called
> “introduction”.  My model is no more valid (Chapter2_content is no more
> linked with Chapter2_title). That is why I change my datamodel and use
> nested documents:
> I have now a parent with a single valued field Book_title and different
> childs with single valued fields Chapter_title and Chapter_Content. Now,
> when I run the query “chapter_title: Introduction AND chapter_content:fun”
> I also get what I want… But what do I have to do if I want to use these two
> kinds of query with a unique data model?
> Thank you,
> Regards,
> Aurélien MAZOYER
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Sincerely yours
Mikhail Khludnev
Principal Engineer,
Grid Dynamics


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