
> Date: Mon, 15 Dec 2014 21:44:44 +1300
> Subject: Re: To understand SolrCloud configurations
> From: esj.f...@gmail.com
> To: solr-user@lucene.apache.org
> HI Shawn,
> Thanks, You have answered my question to a certain extend, But I wanted to
> Isolate Solr Cloud from application and do some load testing by setting up
> Jmeter Script. I could hit Solr instances, but it will not simulate how
> Application (Client) will deal with Solr Cloud. Any suggestions for a
> better way of achieving this?
> I want to do this, Solr keeps failing when we index large data and can't
> find anything in the logs as well, I wanted to identify where it's failing,
> I thought of using the above approach to make sure Solr and zookeeper setup
> is correct ,
> Also, I would like to know a better way to debug Zookeeper and Solr, What I
> have done so far is,
> 1. Make sure Zookeeper picking a Solr leader when the existing sun goes
> down.
> 2. Setup is working when one (lead) ZooKeeper is down etc ...
> 3. Access Server runtime and see the data
> Thanks,
> Shanaka
> On 15 December 2014 at 19:22, Shawn Heisey <apa...@elyograg.org> wrote:
> >
> > On 12/14/2014 12:41 PM, E S J wrote:
> > > This question is related to the same configurations I've posted. How
> > should
> > > I manually test indexing via Zookeeper, I mean not directly accessing
> > solr
> > > nodes like,
> > > curl http://solr1.internal:7083/solr/c-ins/update?commit=true -H
> > > "Content-Type: text/xml" -d "@mem.xml"
> > >
> > > I have a solr client which uses CloudSolrServer to send request to
> > > SolrCloud, But my intention is to isolate my SolrCloud and send index &
> > > search requests to make sure Solr Cloud setup is working fine. Later I
> > can
> > > do Solrclient integration testing. How should I send index requests
> > > manually ( like curl) to index data to solrcloud such a way
> > CloudSolrServer
> > > use ZooKeeper to LB/Pick Solr instance ?
> >
> > If you have either single-shard collections or multi-shard collections
> > with automatic routing, SolrCloud is designed so that you can send any
> > kind of request to any machine in the entire cloud, and it will be sent
> > where it needs to go.  If the collection uses manual (implicit) routing,
> > then queries can go anywhere, but updates must be directed to the
> > correct shard.
> >
> > If you are not using CloudSolrServer, then you must either set up a load
> > balancer in front of SolrCloud, or your application will need to know
> > where your Solr servers are.  Curl cannot talk to zookeeper, because
> > zookeeper does not speak HTTP.
> >
> > CloudSolrServer allows your application to specify only the zookeeper
> > hosts, it doesn't need to know where the Solr servers are.  This is
> > because it includes a full zookeeper client.
> >
> > There is an API in Solr at /solr/zookeeper that can, with appropriate
> > parameters, return various pieces of information from zookeeper in JSON
> > format.  This is the place where the admin UI gathers the information
> > necessary to create the various options on the Cloud tab.  Once your
> > application has that information, it can use it to find out the Solr
> > URLs to use.
> >
> > If this doesn't answer your question, please clarify it.
> >
> > Thanks,
> > Shawn
> >
> >

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