Personally, I never really set maxDocs for autocommit, I just leave things
time-based. That said, your settings are so high that this shouldn't matter
in the least.

There's nothing in the log fragments you posted that's the proverbial
"smoking gun". There's
nothing here that tells me _why_ the node went into recovery in the first

bq: Now we observed that replicas do not go in recovery that often as

Hmmm, that at least seems to be pointing us in the direction of ZK not
being able
to see the server, marking it as down so it goes into recovery.

Why this is happening is still a mystery to me though. I'd expect the Solr
logs to show
"connection timeout", a stack trace or some such. _Some_ indication of why
the node
thinks it's out of sync.

Sorry, I'm a bit clueless here.


On Mon, Jan 26, 2015 at 1:34 PM, Vijay Sekhri <> wrote:

> Hi Erick,
> In solr.xml file I had zk timeout set to*  <int
> name="zkClientTimeout">${zkClientTimeout:450000}</int>*
> One thing that made a it a bit better now is the zk tick time and syncLimit
> settings. I set it to a higher value as below. This may not be advisable
> though.
> tickTime=30000
> initLimit=30
> syncLimit=20
> Now we observed that replicas do not go in recovery that often as before.
> In the whole cluster at a given time I would have a couple of replicas in
> recovery whereas earlier it were multiple replicas from every shard .
> On the wiki it says the "The
> maximum
> is 20 times the tickTime." in the FAQ so I decided to increase the tick
> time. Is this the correct approach ?
> One question I have is that if auto commit settings has anything to do with
> this or not ? Does it induce extra work for the searchers because of which
> this would happen? I have tried with following settings
> *  <autoSoftCommit>*
> *            <maxDocs>500000</maxDocs>*
> *            <maxTime>900000</maxTime>*
> *        </autoSoftCommit>*
> *        <autoCommit>*
> *            <maxDocs>200000</maxDocs>*
> *            <maxTime>30000</maxTime>*
> *            <openSearcher>false</openSearcher>*
> *        </autoCommit>*
> I have increased  the  heap size to 15GB for each JVM instance . I
> monitored during full indexing how the heap usage looks like and it never
> goes beyond 8 GB .  I don't see any Full GC happening at any point .
> I had some attached screenshots but they were marked as spam so not sending
> them again
> Our rate is a variable rate . It is not a sustained rate of 6000/second ,
> however there are intervals where it would reach that much and come down
> and grow again and come down.  So if I would take an average it would be
> 600/second only but that is not real rate at any given time.
> Version of solr cloud is 4.10.  All indexers are basically java programs
> running on different host using CloudSolrServer api.
> As I mentioned it is much better now than before , however not completely
> as expected . We would want none of them to go in recovery if really there
> is no need.
> I captured some logs before and after recovery
>  4:13:54,298 INFO  [org.apache.solr.handler.SnapPuller] (RecoveryThread)
> New index installed. Updating index properties...
> index=index.20150126140904697
> 14:13:54,301 INFO  [org.apache.solr.handler.SnapPuller] (RecoveryThread)
> removing old index directory
> NRTCachingDirectory(MMapDirectory@
> /opt/solr/solrnodes/solrnode1/search1_shard7_replica4/data/index.20150126134945417
> lockFactory=NativeFSLockFactory@
> /opt/solr/solrnodes/solrnode1/search1_shard7_replica4/data/index.20150126134945417;
> maxCacheMB=48.0 maxMergeSizeMB=4.0)
> 14:13:54,302 INFO  [org.apache.solr.update.DefaultSolrCoreState]
> (RecoveryThread) Creating new IndexWriter...
> 14:13:54,302 INFO  [org.apache.solr.update.DefaultSolrCoreState]
> (RecoveryThread) Waiting until IndexWriter is unused...
> core=search1_shard7_replica4
> 14:13:54,302 INFO  [org.apache.solr.update.DefaultSolrCoreState]
> (RecoveryThread) Rollback old IndexWriter... core=search1_shard7_replica4
> 14:13:54,302 INFO  [org.apache.solr.update.LoggingInfoStream]
> (RecoveryThread) [IW][RecoveryThread]: rollback
> 14:13:54,302 INFO  [org.apache.solr.update.LoggingInfoStream]
> (RecoveryThread) [IW][RecoveryThread]: all running merges have aborted
> 14:13:54,302 INFO  [org.apache.solr.update.LoggingInfoStream]
> (RecoveryThread) [IW][RecoveryThread]: rollback: done finish merges
> 14:13:54,302 INFO  [org.apache.solr.update.LoggingInfoStream]
> (RecoveryThread) [DW][RecoveryThread]: abort
> 14:13:54,303 INFO  [org.apache.solr.update.LoggingInfoStream]
> (RecoveryThread) [DW][RecoveryThread]: done abort; abortedFiles=[]
> success=true
> 14:13:54,306 INFO  [org.apache.solr.update.LoggingInfoStream]
> (RecoveryThread) [IW][RecoveryThread]: rollback:
> infos=_4qe(4.10.0):C4312879/1370002:delGen=56
> _554(4.10.0):C3995865/780418:delGen=23 _56u(4.10.0):C286775/11906:delGen=15
> _5co(4.10.0):C871785/93841:delGen=10 _5m7(4.10.0):C122852/31645:delGen=11
> _5hm(4.10.0):C457977/32465:delGen=11 _5q2(4.10.0):C13189/649:delGen=6
> _5kb(4.10.0):C424868/19148:delGen=11 _5f5(4.10.0):C116528/42495:delGen=1
> _5nx(4.10.0):C33236/20668:delGen=1 _5ql(4.10.0):C25924/2:delGen=2
> _5o8(4.10.0):C27155/7531:delGen=1 _5of(4.10.0):C38545/5677:delGen=1
> _5p7(4.10.0):C37457/648:delGen=1 _5r5(4.10.0):C4260 _5qv(4.10.0):C1750
> _5qi(4.10.0):C842 _5qp(4.10.0):C2247 _5qm(4.10.0):C2214 _5qo(4.10.0):C1785
> _5qn(4.10.0):C1962 _5qu(4.10.0):C2390 _5qy(4.10.0):C2129 _5qx(4.10.0):C2192
> _5qw(4.10.0):C2157/1:delGen=1 _5r6(4.10.0):C159 _5r4(4.10.0):C742
> _5r8(4.10.0):C334 _5r7(4.10.0):C390 _5r3(4.10.0):C1122
> 14:13:54,306 INFO  [org.apache.solr.update.LoggingInfoStream]
> (RecoveryThread) [IFD][RecoveryThread]: now checkpoint
> "_4qe(4.10.0):C4312879/1370002:delGen=56
> _554(4.10.0):C3995865/780418:delGen=23 _56u(4.10.0):C286775/11906:delGen=15
> _5co(4.10.0):C871785/93841:delGen=10 _5m7(4.10.0):C122852/31645:delGen=11
> _5hm(4.10.0):C457977/32465:delGen=11 _5q2(4.10.0):C13189/649:delGen=6
> _5kb(4.10.0):C424868/19148:delGen=11 _5f5(4.10.0):C116528/42495:delGen=1
> _5nx(4.10.0):C33236/20668:delGen=1 _5ql(4.10.0):C25924/2:delGen=2
> _5o8(4.10.0):C27155/7531:delGen=1 _5of(4.10.0):C38545/5677:delGen=1
> _5p7(4.10.0):C37457/648:delGen=1 _5r5(4.10.0):C4260 _5qv(4.10.0):C1750
> _5qi(4.10.0):C842 _5qp(4.10.0):C2247 _5qm(4.10.0):C2214 _5qo(4.10.0):C1785
> _5qn(4.10.0):C1962 _5qu(4.10.0):C2390 _5qy(4.10.0):C2129 _5qx(4.10.0):C2192
> _5qw(4.10.0):C2157/1:delGen=1 _5r6(4.10.0):C159 _5r4(4.10.0):C742
> _5r8(4.10.0):C334 _5r7(4.10.0):C390 _5r3(4.10.0):C1122" [30 segments ;
> isCommit = false]
> 14:13:54,307 INFO  [org.apache.solr.update.LoggingInfoStream]
> (RecoveryThread) [IFD][RecoveryThread]: 0 msec to checkpoint
> 14:13:54,323 INFO  [org.apache.solr.core.SolrCore] (RecoveryThread) New
> index directory detected:
> old=/opt/solr/solrnodes/solrnode1/search1_shard7_replica4/data/index.20150126134945417
> new=/opt/solr/solrnodes/solrnode1/search1_shard7_replica4/data/index.20150126140904697
> 14:13:54,417 INFO  [org.apache.solr.update.LoggingInfoStream]
> (RecoveryThread) [IFD][RecoveryThread]: init: current segments file is
> "segments_9t";
> deletionPolicy=org.apache.solr.core.IndexDeletionPolicyWrapper@592ddff6
> 14:13:54,420 INFO  [org.apache.solr.update.LoggingInfoStream]
> (RecoveryThread) [IFD][RecoveryThread]: init: load commit "segments_9t"
> 14:13:54,424 INFO  [org.apache.solr.core.SolrCore] (RecoveryThread)
> SolrDeletionPolicy.onInit: commits: num=1
>         commit{dir=NRTCachingDirectory(MMapDirectory@
> /opt/solr/solrnodes/solrnode1/search1_shard7_replica4/data/index.20150126140904697
> ersion=4.10.0
> matchVersion=4.8.0
> analyzer=null
> ramBufferSizeMB=100.0
> maxBufferedDocs=-1
> maxBufferedDeleteTerms=-1
> mergedSegmentWarmer=null
> readerTermsIndexDivisor=1
> termIndexInterval=32
> delPolicy=org.apache.solr.core.IndexDeletionPolicyWrapper
> commit=null
> openMode=APPEND
> similarity=com.shc.solrx.similarity.CustomSimilarity
> mergeScheduler=ConcurrentMergeScheduler: maxThreadCount=1, maxMergeCount=2,
> mergeThreadPriority=-1
> default WRITE_LOCK_TIMEOUT=1000
> writeLockTimeout=1000
> codec=Lucene410
> infoStream=org.apache.solr.update.LoggingInfoStream
> mergePolicy=[TieredMergePolicy: maxMergeAtOnce=10,
> maxMergeAtOnceExplicit=30, maxMergedSegmentMB=5120.0, floorSegmentMB=2.0,
> forceMergeDeletesPctAllowed=10.0, segmentsPerTier=10.0,
> maxCFSSegmentSizeMB=8.796093022207999E12, noCFSRatio=0.0
> indexerThreadPool=org.apache.lucene.index.DocumentsWriterPerThreadPool@693825c0
> readerPooling=false
> perThreadHardLimitMB=1945
> useCompoundFile=false
> checkIntegrityAtMerge=false
> writer=org.apache.lucene.util.SetOnce@65369637
> 14:13:54,425 INFO  [org.apache.solr.update.DefaultSolrCoreState]
> (RecoveryThread) New IndexWriter is ready to be used.
> 14:13:54,425 INFO  [org.apache.solr.update.LoggingInfoStream]
> (RecoveryThread) [IW][RecoveryThread]: flush at getReader
> 14:13:54,425 INFO  [org.apache.solr.update.LoggingInfoStream]
> (RecoveryThread) [DW][RecoveryThread]: startFullFlush
> 14:13:54,426 INFO  [org.apache.solr.update.LoggingInfoStream]
> (RecoveryThread) [DW][RecoveryThread]: anyChanges? numDocsInRam=0
> deletes=false hasTickets:false pendingChangesInFullFlush: false
> 14:13:54,426 INFO  [org.apache.solr.update.LoggingInfoStream]
> (RecoveryThread) [IW][RecoveryThread]: apply all deletes during flush
> 14:13:54,426 INFO  [org.apache.solr.update.LoggingInfoStream]
> (RecoveryThread) [BD][RecoveryThread]: applyDeletes: no deletes; skipping
> 14:13:54,426 INFO  [org.apache.solr.update.LoggingInfoStream]
> (RecoveryThread) [BD][RecoveryThread]: prune sis=segments_9t:
> _4qe(4.10.0):C4312879/1370002
> }
> status=0 QTime=0
> 14:16:49,279 INFO  [org.apache.solr.core.SolrCore] (http-/
> -1)
> [search1_shard7_replica4] webapp=/solr path=/update params={distrib.from=
> }
> status=0 QTime=0
> 14:16:49,283 INFO  [org.apache.solr.update.UpdateHandler]
> (recoveryExecutor-7-thread-1) start
> commit{flags=2,optimize=false,openSearcher=true,waitSearcher=true,expungeDeletes=false,softCommit=false,prepareCommit=false}
> 14:16:49,283 INFO  [org.apache.solr.update.LoggingInfoStream]
> (recoveryExecutor-7-thread-1) [IW][recoveryExecutor-7-thread-1]: commit:
> start
> 14:16:49,283 INFO  [org.apache.solr.update.LoggingInfoStream]
> (recoveryExecutor-7-thread-1) [IW][recoveryExecutor-7-thread-1]: commit:
> enter lock
> 14:16:49,283 INFO  [org.apache.solr.update.LoggingInfoStream]
> (recoveryExecutor-7-thread-1) [IW][recoveryExecutor-7-thread-1]: commit:
> now prepare
> 14:16:49,283 INFO  [org.apache.solr.update.LoggingInfoStream]
> (recoveryExecutor-7-thread-1) [IW][recoveryExecutor-7-thread-1]:
> prepareCommit: flush
> 14:16:49,283 INFO  [org.apache.solr.update.LoggingInfoStream]
> (recoveryExecutor-7-thread-1) [IW][recoveryExecutor-7-thread-1]:   index
> before flush _4qe(4.10.0):C4312879/1370002:delGen=56
> _554(4.10.0):C3995865/780418:delGen=23 _56u(4.10.0):C286775/11906:delGen=15
> _5co(4.10.0):C871785/93841:delGen=10 _5m7(4.10.0):C122852/31675:delGen=11
> _5hm(4.10.0):C457977/32535:delGen=11 _5q0(4.10.0):C13610/649:delGen=6
> _5kb(4.10.0):C424868/19149:delGen=11 _5f5(4.10.0):C116528/42495:delGen=1
> _5nx(4.10.0):C33236/20668:delGen=1 _5qm(4.10.0):C29770/1:delGen=1
> _5o8(4.10.0):C27155/7531:delGen=1 _5of(4.10.0):C38545/5677:delGen=1
> _5p7(4.10.0):C37457/648:delGen=1 _5qv(4.10.0):C3973
> _5q1(4.10.0):C402/1:delGen=1 _5q2(4.10.0):C779 _5qa(4.10.0):C967
> _5qc(4.10.0):C1828 _5qh(4.10.0):C1765 _5qi(4.10.0):C1241 _5qq(4.10.0):C1997
> _5qr(4.10.0):C1468 _5qp(4.10.0):C1729 _5qo(4.10.0):C3456/1:delGen=1
> _5qu(4.10.0):C27 _5qt(4.10.0):C30 _5qx(4.10.0):C638 _5qy(4.10.0):C1407
> _5qw(4.10.0):C802 _5r2(4.10.0):C32769/1:delGen=1 _5r3(4.10.0):C26057
> _5r4(4.10.0):C23934/1:delGen=1
> 14:16:49,283 INFO  [org.apache.solr.update.LoggingInfoStream]
> (recoveryExecutor-7-thread-1) [DW][recoveryExecutor-7-thread-1]:
> startFullFlush
> 14:16:49,284 INFO  [org.apache.solr.update.LoggingInfoStream]
> (recoveryExecutor-7-thread-1) [DW][recoveryExecutor-7-thread-1]:
> anyChanges? numDocsInRam=24222 deletes=true hasTickets:false
> pendingChangesInFullFlush: false
> 14:16:49,284 INFO  [org.apache.solr.update.LoggingInfoStream]
> (recoveryExecutor-7-thread-1) [DWFC][recoveryExecutor-7-thread-1]:
> addFlushableState DocumentsWriterPerThread [pendingDeletes=gen=0 24221
> deleted terms (unique count=24220) bytesUsed=4455794, segment=_5r5,
> aborting=false, numDocsInRAM=24222, deleteQueue=DWDQ: [ generation: 1 ]]
> 14:16:49,322 INFO  [org.apache.solr.update.LoggingInfoStream]
> (recoveryExecutor-7-thread-1) [DWPT][recoveryExecutor-7-thread-1]: flush
> postings as segment _5r5 numDocs=24222
> ==> gc.20150126-135638.log <==
> 1211.362: [GC1211.362: [ParNew: 966947K->88429K(996800K), 0.0191260 secs]
> 1499845K->633603K(1995752K), 0.0192710 secs] [Times: user=0.20 sys=0.00,
> real=0.02 secs]
> ==> server.log <==
> 14:16:50,387 INFO  [org.apache.solr.update.LoggingInfoStream]
> (recoveryExecutor-7-thread-1) [DWPT][recoveryExecutor-7-thread-1]: new
> segment has 1 deleted docs
> 14:16:50,387 INFO  [org.apache.solr.update.LoggingInfoStream]
> (recoveryExecutor-7-thread-1) [DWPT][recoveryExecutor-7-thread-1]: new
> segment has no vectors; no norms; no docValues; prox; freqs
> 14:16:50,387 INFO  [org.apache.solr.update.LoggingInfoStream]
> (recoveryExecutor-7-thread-1) [DWPT][recoveryExecutor-7-thread-1]:
> flushedFiles=[_5r5_Lucene41_0.pos, _5r5.fdx, _5r5.fnm, _5r5.fdt,
> _5r5_Lucene41_0.tim, _5r5_Lucene41_0.tip, _5r5_Lucene41_0.doc]
> 14:16:50,387 INFO  [org.apache.solr.update.LoggingInfoStream]
> (recoveryExecutor-7-thread-1) [DWPT][recoveryExecutor-7-thread-1]: flushed
> codec=Lucene410
> 14:16:50,387 INFO  [org.apache.solr.update.LoggingInfoStream]
> (recoveryExecutor-7-thread-1) [DWPT][recoveryExecutor-7-thread-1]: flushed:
> segment=_5r5 ramUsed=75.564 MB newFlushedSize(includes docstores)=19.546 MB
> docs/MB=1,239.201
> 14:16:50,387 INFO  [org.apache.solr.update.LoggingInfoStream]
> (recoveryExecutor-7-thread-1) [DWPT][recoveryExecutor-7-thread-1]: flush:
> write 1 deletes gen=-1
> 14:16:50,388 INFO  [org.apache.solr.update.LoggingInfoStream]
> (recoveryExecutor-7-thread-1) [DW][recoveryExecutor-7-thread-1]:
> publishFlushedSegment seg-private updates=null
> 14:16:50,388 INFO  [org.apache.solr.update.LoggingInfoStream]
> (recoveryExecutor-7-thread-1) [IW][recoveryExecutor-7-thread-1]:
> publishFlushedSegment
> 14:16:50,388 INFO  [org.apache.solr.update.LoggingInfoStream]
> (recoveryExecutor-7-thread-1) [BD][recoveryExecutor-7-thread-1]: push
> deletes  24222 deleted terms (unique count=24221) bytesUsed=286752 delGen=8
> packetCount=4 totBytesUsed=1259648
> 14:16:50,388 INFO  [org.apache.solr.update.LoggingInfoStream]
> (recoveryExecutor-7-thread-1) [IW][recoveryExecutor-7-thread-1]: publish
> sets newSegment delGen=9 seg=_5r5(4.10.0):C24222/1:delGen=1
> 14:16:50,388 INFO  [org.apache.solr.update.LoggingInfoStream]
> (recoveryExecutor-7-thread-1) [IFD][recoveryExecutor-7-thread-1]: now
> checkpoint "_4qe(4.10.0):C4312879/1370002:delGen=56
> _554(4.10.0):C3995865/780418:delGen=23 _56u(4.10.0):C286775/11906:delGen=15
> _5co(4.10.0):C871785/93841:delGen=10 _5m7(4.10.0):C122852/31675:delGen=11
> _5hm(4.10.0):C457977/32535:delGen=11 _5q0(4.10.0):C13610/649:delGen=6
> _5kb(4.10.0):C424868/19149:delGen=11 _5f5(4.10.0):C116528/42495:delGen=1
> _5nx(4.10.0):C33236/20668:delGen=1 _5qm(4.10.0):C29770/1:delGen=1
> _5o8(4.10.0):C27155/7531:delGen=1 _5of(4.10.0):C38545/5677:delGen=1
> _5p7(4.10.0):C37457/648:delGen=1 _5qv(4.10.0):C3973
> _5q1(4.10.0):C402/1:delGen=1 _5q2(4.10.0):C779 _5qa(4.10.0):C967
> _5qc(4.10.0):C1828 _5qh(4.10.0):C1765 _5qi(4.10.0):C1241 _5qq(4.10.0):C1997
> _5qr(4.10.0):C1468 _5qp(4.10.0):C1729 _5qo(4.10.0):C3456/1:delGen=1
> _5qu(4.10.0):C27 _5qt(4.10.0):C30 _5qx(4.10.0):C638 _5qy(4.10.0):C1407
> _5qw(4.10.0):C802 _5r2(4.10.0):C32769/1:delGen=1 _5r3(4.10.0):C26057
> _5r4(4.10.0):C23934/1:delGen=1 _5r5(4.10.0):C24222/1:delGen=1" [34 segments
> ; isCommit = false]
> 14:16:50,388 INFO  [org.apache.solr.update.LoggingInfoStream]
> (recoveryExecutor-7-thread-1) [IFD][recoveryExecutor-7-thread-1]: 0 msec to
> checkpoint
> 14:16:50,388 INFO  [org.apache.solr.update.LoggingInfoStream]
> (recoveryExecutor-7-thread-1) [IW][recoveryExecutor-7-thread-1]: apply all
> deletes during flush
> 14:16:50,388 INFO  [org.apache.solr.update.LoggingInfoStream]
> (recoveryExecutor-7-thread-1) [BD][recoveryExecutor-7-thread-1]:
> applyDeletes: infos=[_4qe(4.10.0):C4312879/1370002:delGen=56,
> _554(4.10.0):C3995865/780418:delGen=23,
> _56u(4.10.0):C286775/11906:delGen=15, _5co(4.10.0):C871785/93841:delGen=10,
> _5m7(4.10.0):C122852/31675:delGen=11, _5hm(4.10.0):C457977/32535:delGen=11,
> _5q0(4.10.0):C13610/649:delGen=6, _5kb(4.10.0):C424868/19149:delGen=11,
> _5f5(4.10.0):C116528/42495:delGen=1, _5nx(4.10.0):C33236/20668:delGen=1,
> _5qm(4.10.0):C29770/1:delGen=1, _5o8(4.10.0):C27155/7531:delGen=1,
> _5of(4.10.0):C38545/5677:delGen=1, _5p7(4.10.0):C37457/648:delGen=1,
> _5qv(4.10.0):C3973, _5q1(4.10.0):C402/1:delGen=1, _5q2(4.10.0):C779,
> _5qa(4.10.0):C967, _5qc(4.10.0):C1828, _5qh(4.10.0):C1765,
> _5qi(4.10.0):C1241, _5qq(4.10.0):C1997, _5qr(4.10.0):C1468,
> _5qp(4.10.0):C1729, _5qo(4.10.0):C3456/1:delGen=1, _5qu(4.10.0):C27,
> _5qt(4.10.0):C30, _5qx(4.10.0):C638, _5qy(4.10.0):C1407, _5qw(4.10.0):C802,
> _5r2(4.10.0):C32769/1:delGen=1, _5r3(4.10.0):C26057,
> _5r4(4.10.0):C23934/1:delGen=1, _5r5(4.10.0):C24222/1:delGen=1]
> packetCount=4
> 14:16:50,402 INFO  [org.apache.solr.update.LoggingInfoStream]
> (recoveryExecutor-7-thread-1) [BD][recoveryExecutor-7-thread-1]:
> seg=_5r4(4.10.0):C23934/1:delGen=1 segGen=7
> 14:16:52,774 INFO  [org.apache.solr.update.LoggingInfoStream]
> (recoveryExecutor-7-thread-1) [IFD][recoveryExecutor-7-thread-1]: delete
> "_5r2_1.del"
> 14:16:52,774 INFO  [org.apache.solr.update.LoggingInfoStream]
> (recoveryExecutor-7-thread-1) [IFD][recoveryExecutor-7-thread-1]: 0 msec to
> checkpoint
> 14:16:52,774 INFO  [org.apache.solr.update.LoggingInfoStream]
> (recoveryExecutor-7-thread-1) [IFD][recoveryExecutor-7-thread-1]: now
> checkpoint "_4qe(4.10.0):C4312879/1nts ; isCommit = false]
> 14:16:52,774 INFO  [org.apache.solr.update.LoggingInfoStream]
> (recoveryExecutor-7-thread-1) [IFD][recoveryExecutor-7-thread-1]: delete
> "_5r4_1.del"
> 14:16:52,774 INFO  [org.apache.solr.update.LoggingInfoStream]
> (recoveryExecutor-7-thread-1) [IFD][recoveryExecutor-7-thread-1]: 0 msec to
> checkpoint
> 14:16:52,775 INFO  [org.apache.solr.update.LoggingInfoStream]
> (recoveryExecutor-7-thread-1) [DW][recoveryExecutor-7-thread-1]:
> recoveryExecutor-7-thread-1 finishFullFlush success=true
> 14:16:52,775 INFO  [org.apache.solr.update.LoggingInfoStream]
> (recoveryExecutor-7-thread-1) [TMP][recoveryExecutor-7-thread-1]:
> findMerges: 34 segments
> 14:16:52,777 INFO  [org.apache.solr.update.LoggingInfoStream]
> (recoveryExecutor-7-thread-1) [TMP][recoveryExecutor-7-thread-1]:
> seg=_554(4.10.0):C3995865/780418:delGen=23 size=3669.307 MB [skip: too
> large]
> 14:16:52,777 INFO  [org.apache.solr.update.LoggingInfoStream]
> (recoveryExecutor-7-thread-1) [TMP][recoveryExecutor-7-thread-1]:
> seg=_4qe(4.10.0):C4312879/1370113:delGen=57 size=3506.254 MB [skip: too
> large]
> 14:16:52,777 INFO  [org.apache.solr.update.LoggingInfoStream]
> (recoveryExecutor-7-thread-1) [TMP][recoveryExecutor-7-thread-1]:
> seg=_5co(4.10.0):C871785/93995:delGen=11 size=853.668 MB
> 14:16:52,777 INFO  [org.apache.solr.update.LoggingInfoStream]
> (recoveryExecutor-7-thread-1) [TMP][recoveryExecutor-7-thread-1]:
> seg=_5kb(4.10.0):C424868/49572:delGen=12 size=518.704 MB
> 14:16:52,777 INFO  [org.apache.solr.update.LoggingInfoStream]
> (recoveryExecutor-7-thread-1) [TMP][recoveryExecutor-7-thread-1]:
> seg=_5hm(4.10.0):C457977/83353:delGen=12 size=470.422 MB
> 14:16:52,778 INFO  [org.apache.solr.update.LoggingInfoStream]
> (recoveryExecutor-7-thread-1) [TMP][recoveryExecutor-7-thread-1]:
> seg=_56u(4.10.0):C286775/11906:delGen=15 size=312.952 MB
> 14:16:52,778 INFO  [org.apache.solr.update.LoggingInfoStream]
> (recoveryExecutor-7-thread-1) [TMP][recoveryExecutor-7-thread-1]:
> seg=_5f5(4.10.0):C116528/43621:delGen=2 size=95.529 MB
> 14:16:52,778 INFO  [org.apache.solr.update.LoggingInfoStream]
> (recoveryExecutor-7-thread-1) [TMP][recoveryExecutor-7-thread-1]:
> seg=_5m7(4.10.0):C122852/54010:delGen=12 size=84.949 MB
> 14:16:52,778 INFO  [org.apache.solr.update.LoggingInfoStream]
> (recoveryExecutor-7-thread-1) [TMP][recoveryExecutor-7-thread-1]:
> seg=_5p7(4.10.0):C37457/649:delGen=2 size=54.241 MB
> 14:16:52,778 INFO  [org.apache.solr.update.LoggingInfoStream]
> (recoveryExecutor-7-thread-1) [TMP][recoveryExecutor-7-thread-1]:
> seg=_5of(4.10.0):C38545/5677:delGen=1 size=50.672 MB
> 14:16:52,778 INFO  [org.apache.solr.update.LoggingInfoStream]
> (recoveryExecutor-7-thread-1) [TMP][recoveryExecutor-7-thread-1]:
> seg=_5qm(4.10.0):C29770/4:delGen=2 size=34.052 MB
> 14:16:52,778 INFO  [org.apache.solr.update.LoggingInfoStream]
> (recoveryExecutor-7-thread-1) [TMP][recoveryExecutor-7-thread-1]:
> seg=_5o8(4.10.0):C27155/7531:delGen=1 size=31.008 MB
> 14:16:52,778 INFO  [org.apache.solr.update.LoggingInfoStream]
> (recoveryExecutor-7-thread-1) [TMP][recoveryExecutor-7-thread-1]:
> seg=_5r2(4.10.0):C32769/4:delGen=2 size=27.410 MB
> 14:16:52,778 INFO  [org.apache.solr.update.LoggingInfoStream]
> (recoveryExecutor-7-thread-1) [TMP][recoveryExecutor-7-thread-1]:
> seg=_5r3(4.10.0):C26057 size=23.893 MB
> 14:16:52,778 INFO  [org.apache.solr.update.LoggingInfoStream]
> (recoveryExecutor-7-thread-1) [TMP][recoveryExecutor-7-thread-1]:
> seg=_5r4(4.10.0):C23934/3:delGen=2 size=22.004 MB
> 14:16:52,778 INFO  [org.apache.solr.update.LoggingInfoStream]
> (recoveryExecutor-7-thread-1) [TMP][recoveryExecutor-7-thread-1]:
> seg=_5nx(4.10.0):C33236/20669:delGen=2 size=19.861 MB
> 14:16:52,778 INFO  [org.apache.solr.update.LoggingInfoStream]
> (recoveryExecutor-7-thread-1) [TMP][recoveryExecutor-7-thread-1]:
> seg=_5r5(4.10.0):C24222/1:delGen=1 size=19.546 MB
> 14:16:52,778 INFO  [org.apache.solr.update.LoggingInfoStream]
> (recoveryExecutor-7-thread-1) [TMP][recoveryExecutor-7-thread-1]:
> seg=_5q0(4.10.0):C13610/2625:delGen=7 size=12.480 MB
> 14:16:52,778 INFO  [org.apache.solr.update.LoggingInfoStream]
> (recoveryExecutor-7-thread-1) [TMP][recoveryExecutor-7-thread-1]:
> seg=_5qv(4.10.0):C3973/1:delGen=1 size=3.402 MB
> 14:16:52,778 INFO  [org.apache.solr.update.LoggingInfoStream]
> (recoveryExecutor-7-thread-1) [TMP][recoveryExecutor-7-thread-1]:
> seg=_5qo(4.10.0):C3456/2:delGen=2 size=3.147 MB
> 14:16:52,778 INFO  [org.apache.solr.update.LoggingInfoStream]
> (recoveryExecutor-7-thread-1) [TMP][recoveryExecutor-7-thread-1]:
> seg=_5qq(4.10.0):C1997 size=1.781 MB [floored]
> 14:16:52,778 INFO  [org.apache.solr.update.LoggingInfoStream]
> (recoveryExecutor-7-thread-1) [TMP][recoveryExecutor-7-thread-1]:
> seg=_5q2(4.10.0):C779 size=1.554 MB [floored]
> 14:16:52,778 INFO  [org.apache.solr.update.LoggingInfoStream]
> (recoveryExecutor-7-thread-1) [TMP][recoveryExecutor-7-thread-1]:
> seg=_5qh(4.10.0):C1765/1:delGen=1 size=1.549 MB [floored]
> 14:16:52,778 INFO  [org.apache.solr.update.LoggingInfoStream]
> (recoveryExecutor-7-thread-1) [TMP][recoveryExecutor-7-thread-1]:
> seg=_5qc(4.10.0):C1828/1:delGen=1 size=1.401 MB [floored]
> 14:16:52,779 INFO  [org.apache.solr.update.LoggingInfoStream]
> (recoveryExecutor-7-thread-1) [TMP][recoveryExecutor-7-thread-1]:
> seg=_5qr(4.10.0):C1468 size=1.390 MB [floored]
> 14:16:52,779 INFO  [org.apache.solr.update.LoggingInfoStream]
> (recoveryExecutor-7-thread-1) [TMP][recoveryExecutor-7-thread-1]:
> seg=_5qp(4.10.0):C1729/1:delGen=1 size=1.351 MB [floored]
> 14:16:52,779 INFO  [org.apache.solr.update.LoggingInfoStream]
> (recoveryExecutor-7-thread-1) [TMP][recoveryExecutor-7-thread-1]:
> seg=_5qa(4.10.0):C967 size=1.235 MB [floored]
> 14:16:52,779 INFO  [org.apache.solr.update.LoggingInfoStream]
> (recoveryExecutor-7-thread-1) [TMP][recoveryExecutor-7-thread-1]:
> seg=_5qi(4.10.0):C1241 size=1.146 MB [floored]
> 14:16:52,779 INFO  [org.apache.solr.update.LoggingInfoStream]
> (recoveryExecutor-7-thread-1) [TMP][recoveryExecutor-7-thread-1]:
> seg=_5qy(4.10.0):C1407 size=1.050 MB [floored]
> 14:16:52,779 INFO  [org.apache.solr.update.LoggingInfoStream]
> (recoveryExecutor-7-thread-1) [TMP][recoveryExecutor-7-thread-1]:
> seg=_5q1(4.10.0):C402/1:delGen=1 size=0.954 MB [floored]
> 14:16:52,779 INFO  [org.apache.solr.update.LoggingInfoStream]
> (recoveryExecutor-7-thread-1) [TMP][recoveryExecutor-7-thread-1]:
> seg=_5qw(4.10.0):C802/1:delGen=1 size=0.821 MB [floored]
> 14:16:52,779 INFO  [org.apache.solr.update.LoggingInfoStream]
> (recoveryExecutor-7-thread-1) [TMP][recoveryExecutor-7-thread-1]:
> seg=_5qx(4.10.0):C638 size=0.818 MB [floored]
> 14:16:52,779 INFO  [org.apache.solr.update.LoggingInfoStream]
> (recoveryExecutor-7-thread-1) [TMP][recoveryExecutor-7-thread-1]:
> seg=_5qt(4.10.0):C30 size=0.072 MB [floored]
> 14:16:52,779 INFO  [org.apache.solr.update.LoggingInfoStream]
> (recoveryExecutor-7-thread-1) [TMP][recoveryExecutor-7-thread-1]:
> seg=_5qu(4.10.0):C27 size=0.063 MB [floored]
> 14:16:52,779 INFO  [org.apache.solr.update.LoggingInfoStream]
> (recoveryExecutor-7-thread-1) [TMP][recoveryExecutor-7-thread-1]:
> allowedSegmentCount=31 vs count=34 (eligible count=32) tooBigCount=2
> 14:16:52,779 INFO  [org.apache.solr.update.LoggingInfoStream]
> (recoveryExecutor-7-thread-1) [TMP][recoveryExecutor-7-thread-1]:
> maybe=_5co(4.10.0):C871785/93995:delGen=11
> _5kb(4.10.0):C424868/49572:delGen=12 _5hm(4.10.0):C457977/83353:delGen=12
> _56u(4.10.0):C286775/11906:delGen=15 _5f5(4.10.0):C116528/43621:delGen=2
> _5m7(4.10.0):C122852/54010:delGen=12 _5p7(4.10.0):C37457/649:delGen=2
> _5of(4.10.0):C38545/5677:delGen=1 _5qm(4.10.0):C29770/4:delGen=2
> _5o8(4.10.0):C27155/7531:delGen=1 score=0.7313777596572674 skew=0.341
> nonDelRatio=0.852 tooLarge=false size=2506.203 MB
> .....
> 14:16:52,783 INFO  [org.apache.solr.update.LoggingInfoStream]
> (recoveryExecutor-7-thread-1) [TMP][recoveryExecutor-7-thread-1]:
> maybe=_5qr(4.10.0):C1468 _5qp(4.10.0):C1729/1:delGen=1 _5qa(4.10.0):C967
> _5qi(4.10.0):C1241 _5qy(4.10.0):C1407 _5q1(4.10.0):C402/1:delGen=1
> _5qw(4.10.0):C802/1:delGen=1 _5qx(4.10.0):C638 _5qt(4.10.0):C30
> _5qu(4.10.0):C27 score=0.22289855634027114 skew=0.100 nonDelRatio=1.000
> tooLarge=false size=8.907 MB
> 14:16:52,783 INFO  [org.apache.solr.update.LoggingInfoStream]
> (recoveryExecutor-7-thread-1) [TMP][recoveryExecutor-7-thread-1]:   add
> merge=_5qr(4.10.0):C1468 _5qp(4.10.0):C1729/1:delGen=1 _5qa(4.10.0):C967
> _5qi(4.10.0):C1241 _5qy(4.10.0):C1407 _5q1(4.10.0):C402/1:delGen=1
> _5qw(4.10.0):C802/1:delGen=1 _5qx(4.10.0):C638 _5qt(4.10.0):C30
> _5qu(4.10.0):C27 size=8.907 MB score=0.223 skew=0.100 nonDelRatio=1.000
> 14:16:52,783 INFO  [org.apache.solr.update.LoggingInfoStream]
> (recoveryExecutor-7-thread-1) [TMP][recoveryExecutor-7-thread-1]:
> allowedSegmentCount=31 vs count=34 (eligible count=22) tooBigCount=2
> 14:16:52,783 INFO  [org.apache.solr.update.LoggingInfoStream]
> (recoveryExecutor-7-thread-1) [IW][recoveryExecutor-7-thread-1]: add merge
> to pendingMerges: _5qr(4.10.0):C1468 _5qp(4.10.0):C1729/1:delGen=1
> _5qa(4.10.0):C967 _5qi(4.10.0):C1241 _5qy(4.10.0):C1407
> _5q1(4.10.0):C402/1:delGen=1 _5qw(4.10.0):C802/1:delGen=1 _5qx(4.10.0):C638
> _5qt(4.10.0):C30 _5qu(4.10.0):C27 [total 1 pending]
> 14:16:52,783 INFO  [org.apache.solr.update.LoggingInfoStream]
> (recoveryExecutor-7-thread-1) [IW][recoveryExecutor-7-thread-1]:
> registerMerge merging= []
> 14:16:52,783 INFO  [org.apache.solr.update.LoggingInfoStream]
> (recoveryExecutor-7-thread-1) [IW][recoveryExecutor-7-thread-1]:
> registerMerge info=_5qr(4.10.0):C1468
> 14:16:52,783 INFO  [org.apache.solr.update.LoggingInfoStream]
> (recoveryExecutor-7-thread-1) [IW][recoveryExecutor-7-thread-1]:
> registerMerge info=_5qp(4.10.0):C1729/1:delGen=1
> 14:16:52,783 INFO  [org.apache.solr.update.LoggingInfoStream]
> (recoveryExecutor-7-thread-1) [IW][recoveryExecutor-7-thread-1]:
> registerMerge info=_5qa(4.10.0):C967
> 14:16:52,783 INFO  [org.apache.solr.update.LoggingInfoStream]
> (recoveryExecutor-7-thread-1) [IW][recoveryExecutor-7-thread-1]:
> registerMerge info=_5qi(4.10.0):C1241
> 14:16:52,783 INFO  [org.apache.solr.update.LoggingInfoStream]
> (recoveryExecutor-7-thread-1) [IW][recoveryExecutor-7-thread-1]:
> registerMerge info=_5qy(4.10.0):C1407
> 14:16:52,783 INFO  [org.apache.solr.update.LoggingInfoStream]
> (recoveryExecutor-7-thread-1) [IW][recoveryExecutor-7-thread-1]:
> registerMerge info=_5q1(4.10.0):C402/1:delGen=1
> 14:16:52,783 INFO  [org.apache.solr.update.LoggingInfoStream]
> (recoveryExecutor-7-thread-1) [IW][recoveryExecutor-7-thread-1]:
> registerMerge info=_5qw(4.10.0):C802/1:delGen=1
> 14:16:52,783 INFO  [org.apache.solr.update.LoggingInfoStream]
> (recoveryExecutor-7-thread-1) [IW][recoveryExecutor-7-thread-1]:
> registerMerge info=_5qx(4.10.0):C638
> 14:16:52,783 INFO  [org.apache.solr.update.LoggingInfoStream]
> (recoveryExecutor-7-thread-1) [IW][recoveryExecutor-7-thread-1]:
> registerMerge info=_5qt(4.10.0):C30
> 14:16:52,783 INFO  [org.apache.solr.update.LoggingInfoStream]
> (recoveryExecutor-7-thread-1) [IW][recoveryExecutor-7-thread-1]:
> registerMerge info=_5qu(4.10.0):C27
> 14:16:52,783 INFO  [org.apache.solr.update.LoggingInfoStream]
> (recoveryExecutor-7-thread-1) [CMS][recoveryExecutor-7-thread-1]: now merge
> 14:16:52,783 INFO  [org.apache.solr.update.LoggingInfoStream]
> (recoveryExecutor-7-thread-1) [CMS][recoveryExecutor-7-thread-1]:   index:
> _4qe(4.10.0):C4312879/1370113:delGen=57
> _554(4.10.0):C3995865/780418:delGen=23 _56u(4.10.0):C286775/11906:delGen=15
> _5co(4.10.0):C871785/93995:delGen=11 _5m7(4.10.0):C122852/54010:delGen=12
> _5hm(4.10.0):C457977/83353:delGen=12 _5q0(4.10.0):C13610/2625:delGen=7
> _5kb(4.10.0):C424868/49572:delGen=12 _5f5(4.10.0):C116528/43621:delGen=2
> _5nx(4.10.0):C33236/20669:delGen=2 _5qm(4.10.0):C29770/4:delGen=2
> _5o8(4.10.0):C27155/7531:delGen=1 _5of(4.10.0):C38545/5677:delGen=1
> _5p7(4.10.0):C37457/649:delGen=2 _5qv(4.10.0):C3973/1:delGen=1
> _5q1(4.10.0):C402/1:delGen=1 _5q2(4.10.0):C779 _5qa(4.10.0):C967
> _5qc(4.10.0):C1828/1:delGen=1 _5qh(4.10.0):C1765/1:delGen=1
> _5qi(4.10.0):C1241 _5qq(4.10.0):C1997 _5qr(4.10.0):C1468
> _5qp(4.10.0):C1729/1:delGen=1 _5qo(4.10.0):C3456/2:delGen=2
> _5qu(4.10.0):C27 _5qt(4.10.0):C30 _5qx(4.10.0):C638 _5qy(4.10.0):C1407
> _5qw(4.10.0):C802/1:delGen=1 _5r2(4.10.0):C32769/4:delGen=2
> _5r3(4.10.0):C26057 _5r4(4.10.0):C23934/3:delGen=2
> _5r5(4.10.0):C24222/1:delGen=1
> 14:16:52,783 INFO  [org.apache.solr.update.LoggingInfoStream]
> (recoveryExecutor-7-thread-1) [CMS][recoveryExecutor-7-thread-1]:
> consider merge _5qr(4.10.0):C1468 _5qp(4.10.0):C1729/1:delGen=1
> _5qa(4.10.0):C967 _5qi(4.10.0):C1241 _5qy(4.10.0):C1407
> _5q1(4.10.0):C402/1:delGen=1 _5qw(4.10.0):C802/1:delGen=1 _5qx(4.10.0):C638
> _5qt(4.10.0):C30 _5qu(4.10.0):C27
> 14:16:52,783 INFO  [org.apache.solr.update.LoggingInfoStream]
> (recoveryExecutor-7-thread-1) [CMS][recoveryExecutor-7-thread-1]:
> launch new thread [Lucene Merge Thread #0]
> 14:16:52,784 INFO  [org.apache.solr.update.LoggingInfoStream]
> (recoveryExecutor-7-thread-1) [CMS][recoveryExecutor-7-thread-1]: set
> priority of merge thread Lucene Merge Thread #0 to 6
> 14:16:52,784 INFO  [org.apache.solr.update.LoggingInfoStream]
> (recoveryExecutor-7-thread-1) [CMS][recoveryExecutor-7-thread-1]:   no more
> merges pending; now return
> 14:16:52,784 INFO  [org.apache.solr.update.LoggingInfoStream]
> (recoveryExecutor-7-thread-1) [IW][recoveryExecutor-7-thread-1]:
> startCommit(): start
> 14:16:52,784 INFO  [org.apache.solr.update.LoggingInfoStream]
> (recoveryExecutor-7-thread-1) [IW][recoveryExecutor-7-thread-1]:
> startCommit index=_4qe(4.10.0):C4312879/1370113:delGen=57
> _554(4.10.0):C3995865/780418:delGen=23 _56u(4.10.0):C286775/11906:delGen=15
> _5co(4.10.0):C871785/93995:delGen=11 _5m7(4.10.0):C122852/54010:delGen=12
> _5hm(4.10.0):C457977/83353:delGen=12 _5q0(4.10.0):C13610/2625:delGen=7
> _5kb(4.10.0):C424868/49572:delGen=12 _5f5(4.10.0):C116528/43621:delGen=2
> _5nx(4.10.0):C33236/20669:delGen=2 _5qm(4.10.0):C29770/4:delGen=2
> _5o8(4.10.0):C27155/7531:delGen=1 _5of(4.10.0):C38545/5677:delGen=1
> _5p7(4.10.0):C37457/649:delGen=2 _5qv(4.10.0):C3973/1:delGen=1
> _5q1(4.10.0):C402/1:delGen=1 _5q2(4.10.0):C779 _5qa(4.10.0):C967
> _5qc(4.10.0):C1828/1:delGen=1 _5qh(4.10.0):C1765/1:delGen=1
> _5qi(4.10.0):C1241 _5qq(4.10.0):C1997 _5qr(4.10.0):C1468
> _5qp(4.10.0):C1729/1:delGen=1 _5qo(4.10.0):C3456/2:delGen=2
> _5qu(4.10.0):C27 _5qt(4.10.0):C30 _5qx(4.10.0):C638 _5qy(4.10.0):C1407
> _5qw(4.10.0):C802/1:delGen=1 _5r2(4.10.0):C32769/4:delGen=2
> _5r3(4.10.0):C26057 _5r4(4.10.0):C23934/3:delGen=2
> _5r5(4.10.0):C24222/1:delGen=1 changeCount=28
> 14:16:52,784 INFO  [org.apache.solr.update.LoggingInfoStream] (Lucene Merge
> Thread #0) [CMS][Lucene Merge Thread #0]:   merge thread: start
> 14:16:52,785 INFO  [org.apache.solr.update.LoggingInfoStream] (Lucene Merge
> Thread #0) [BD][Lucene Merge Thread #0]: applyDeletes: no deletes; skipping
> 14:16:52,785 INFO  [org.apache.solr.update.LoggingInfoStream] (Lucene Merge
> Thread #0) [BD][Lucene Merge Thread #0]: prune sis=segments_9t:
> _4qe(4.10.0):C4312879/1370113:delGen=57
> _554(4.10.0):C3995865/780418:delGen=23 _56u(4.10.0):C286775/11906:delGen=15
> _5co(4.10.0):C871785/93995:delGen=11 _5m7(4.10.0):C122852/54010:delGen=12
> _5hm(4.10.0):C457977/83353:delGen=12 _5q0(4.10.0):C13610/2625:delGen=7
> _5kb(4.10.0):C424868/49572:delGen=12 _5f5(4.10.0):C116528/43621:delGen=2
> _5nx(4.10.0):C33236/20669:delGen=2 _5qm(4.10.0):C29770/4:delGen=2
> _5o8(4.10.0):C27155/7531:delGen=1 _5of(4.10.0):C38545/5677:delGen=1
> _5p7(4.10.0):C37457/649:delGen=2 _5qv(4.10.0):C3973/1:delGen=1
> _5q1(4.10.0):C402/1:delGen=1 _5q2(4.10.0):C779 _5qa(4.10.0):C967
> _5qc(4.10.0):C1828/1:delGen=1 _5qh(4.10.0):C1765/1:delGen=1
> _5qi(4.10.0):C1241 _5qq(4.10.0):C1997 _5qr(4.10.0):C1468
> _5qp(4.10.0):C1729/1:delGen=1 _5qo(4.10.0):C3456/2:delGen=2
> _5qu(4.10.0):C27 _5qt(4.10.0):C30 _5qx(4.10.0):C638 _5qy(4.10.0):C1407
> _5qw(4.10.0):C802/1:delGen=1 _5r2(4.10.0):C32769/4:delGen=2
> _5r3(4.10.0):C26057 _5r4(4.10.0):C23934/3:delGen=2
> _5r5(4.10.0):C24222/1:delGen=1 minGen=10 packetCount=0
> 14:16:52,788 INFO  [org.apache.solr.update.LoggingInfoStream] (Lucene Merge
> Thread #0) [IW][Lucene Merge Thread #0]: merge seg=_5r6 _5qr(4.10.0):C1468
> _5qp(4.10.0):C1729/1:delGen=1 _5qa(4.10.0):C967 _5qi(4.10.0):C1241
> _5qy(4.10.0):C1407 _5q1(4.10.0):C402/1:delGen=1
> _5qw(4.10.0):C802/1:delGen=1 _5qx(4.10.0):C638 _5qt(4.10.0):C30
> _5qu(4.10.0):C27
> 14:16:52,789 INFO  [org.apache.solr.update.LoggingInfoStream] (Lucene Merge
> Thread #0) [IW][Lucene Merge Thread #0]: now merge
>   merge=_5qr(4.10.0):C1468 _5qp(4.10.0):C1729/1:delGen=1 _5qa(4.10.0):C967
> _5qi(4.10.0):C1241 _5qy(4.10.0):C1407 _5q1(4.10.0):C402/1:delGen=1
> _5qw(4.10.0):C802/1:delGen=1 _5qx(4.10.0):C638 _5qt(4.10.0):C30
> _5qu(4.10.0):C27
>   index=_4qe(4.10.0):C4312879/1370113:delGen=57
> _554(4.10.0):C3995865/780418:delGen=23 _56u(4.10.0):C286775/11906:delGen=15
> _5co(4.10.0):C871785/93995:delGen=11 _5m7(4.10.0):C122852/54010:delGen=12
> _5hm(4.10.0):C457977/83353:delGen=12 _5q0(4.10.0):C13610/2625:delGen=7
> _5kb(4.10.0):C424868/49572:delGen=12 _5f5(4.10.0):C116528/43621:delGen=2
> _5nx(4.10.0):C33236/20669:delGen=2 _5qm(4.10.0):C29770/4:delGen=2
> _5o8(4.10.0):C27155/7531:delGen=1 _5of(4.10.0):C38545/5677:delGen=1
> _5p7(4.10.0):C37457/649:delGen=2 _5qv(4.10.0):C3973/1:delGen=1
> _5q1(4.10.0):C402/1:delGen=1 _5q2(4.10.0):C779 _5qa(4.10.0):C967
> _5qc(4.10.0):C1828/1:delGen=1 _5qh(4.10.0):C1765/1:delGen=1
> _5qi(4.10.0):C1241 _5qq(4.10.0):C1997 _5qr(4.10.0):C1468
> _5qp(4.10.0):C1729/1:delGen=1 _5qo(4.10.0):C3456/2:delGen=2
> _5qu(4.10.0):C27 _5qt(4.10.0):C30 _5qx(4.10.0):C638 _5qy(4.10.0):C1407
> _5qw(4.10.0):C802/1:delGen=1 _5r2(4.10.0):C32769/4:delGen=2
> _5r3(4.10.0):C26057 _5r4(4.10.0):C23934/3:delGen=2
> _5r5(4.10.0):C24222/1:delGen=1
> 14:16:52,790 INFO  [org.apache.solr.update.LoggingInfoStream] (Lucene Merge
> Thread #0) [IW][Lucene Merge Thread #0]: merging _5qr(4.10.0):C1468
> _5qp(4.10.0):C1729/1:delGen=1 _5qa(4.10.0):C967 _5qi(4.10.0):C1241
> _5qy(4.10.0):C1407 _5q1(4.10.0):C402/1:delGen=1
> _5qw(4.10.0):C802/1:delGen=1 _5qx(4.10.0):C638 _5qt(4.10.0):C30
> _5qu(4.10.0):C27
> 14:16:52,790 INFO  [org.apache.solr.update.LoggingInfoStream] (Lucene Merge
> Thread #0) [IW][Lucene Merge Thread #0]: seg=_5qr(4.10.0):C1468 no deletes
> 14:16:52,790 INFO  [org.apache.solr.update.LoggingInfoStream] (Lucene Merge
> Thread #0) [IW][Lucene Merge Thread #0]: seg=_5qp(4.10.0):C1729/1:delGen=1
> delCount=1
> 14:16:52,790 INFO  [org.apache.solr.update.LoggingInfoStream] (Lucene Merge
> Thread #0) [IW][Lucene Merge Thread #0]: seg=_5qa(4.10.0):C967 no deletes
> 14:16:52,790 INFO  [org.apache.solr.update.LoggingInfoStream] (Lucene Merge
> Thread #0) [IW][Lucene Merge Thread #0]: seg=_5qi(4.10.0):C1241 no deletes
> 14:16:52,790 INFO  [org.apache.solr.update.LoggingInfoStream] (Lucene Merge
> Thread #0) [IW][Lucene Merge Thread #0]: seg=_5qy(4.10.0):C1407 no deletes
> 14:16:52,790 INFO  [org.apache.solr.update.LoggingInfoStream] (Lucene Merge
> Thread #0) [IW][Lucene Merge Thread #0]: seg=_5q1(4.10.0):C402/1:delGen=1
> delCount=1
> 14:16:52,790 INFO  [org.apache.solr.update.LoggingInfoStream] (Lucene Merge
> Thread #0) [IW][Lucene Merge Thread #0]: seg=_5qw(4.10.0):C802/1:delGen=1
> delCount=1
> 14:16:52,790 INFO  [org.apache.solr.update.LoggingInfoStream] (Lucene Merge
> Thread #0) [IW][Lucene Merge Thread #0]: seg=_5qx(4.10.0):C638 no deletes
> 14:16:52,790 INFO  [org.apache.solr.update.LoggingInfoStream] (Lucene Merge
> Thread #0) [IW][Lucene Merge Thread #0]: seg=_5qt(4.10.0):C30 no deletes
> 14:16:52,790 INFO  [org.apache.solr.update.LoggingInfoStream] (Lucene Merge
> Thread #0) [IW][Lucene Merge Thread #0]: seg=_5qu(4.10.0):C27 no deletes
> 14:16:52,792 INFO  [org.apache.solr.update.LoggingInfoStream] (Lucene Merge
> Thread #0) [SM][Lucene Merge Thread #0]: merge store matchedCount=10 vs 10
> 14:16:52,929 INFO  [org.apache.solr.update.LoggingInfoStream] (Lucene Merge
> Thread #0) [SM][Lucene Merge Thread #0]: 137 msec to merge stored fields
> [8708 docs]
> 14:16:53,012 INFO  [org.apache.solr.update.LoggingInfoStream]
> (recoveryExecutor-7-thread-1) [IW][recoveryExecutor-7-thread-1]: done all
> syncs: [_5p7_Lucene41_0.pos,, _5kb_Lucene41_0.tim, _5q1.fdt,
> _5kb_Lucene41_0.tip, _5qp.fnm, _5o8_1.del, _5qa_Lucene41_0.doc, _5qq.fnm,
> _5qr.fnm, _5co_b.del, _5qh.fdx, _5qm.fdx, _5qh.fdt, _5kb_c.del, _5r5.fnm,
> _554.fdx, _5qm.fdt, _5r3_Lucene41_0.doc, _4qe.fdt, _56u_Lucene41_0.doc,
> _554.fdt, _5qi.fdt, _5q2_Lucene41_0.doc, _4qe.fdx,, _5qi.fdx, _
>, _56u.fdx, _5qv_Lucene41_0.tip,, _5qw_Lucene41_0.pos,
> _5hm_Lucene41_0.pos,, _5co_Lucene41_0.pos, _5q1.fdx, _5qt.fdx,
> _5qt.fdt,, _5co.fdt, _5nx.fnm, _5qv_Lucene41_0.tim, _5co.fdx,
> _5qh_Lucene41_0.doc, _5kb.fdx, _5qh_1.del, _5qm_Lucene41_0.tim, _56u.fdt,
> _5r4_2.del, _5r3_Lucene41_0.tip, _5hm.fdt, _5qv_1.del, _5qm_Lucene41_0.tip,
> _5qr_Lucene41_0.doc, _5kb.fdt, _5of_Lucene41_0.tip, _5hm.fdx,
> _5r3_Lucene41_0.tim, _5of_Lucene41_0.tim, _56u_f.del, _5qy_Lucene41_0.doc,
> _5r4_Lucene41_0.pos,, _5qt_Lucene41_0.doc, _5qq_Lucene41_0.pos,
> _5qa.fnm,, _5r2.fnm, _5qo_2.del, _5p7.fdt, _5r3.fnm,
> _5p7_Lucene41_0.doc, _5r4.fdt,, _5p7.fdx, _5qa_Lucene41_0.tim, _
>,, _5r4.fdx, _5qp_Lucene41_0.tip,,
> _5qp_Lucene41_0.tim, _5qa_Lucene41_0.tip, _4qe_1l.del, _5qp_1.del,
> _5qw_1.del, _5qm_2.del, _5m7_Lucene41_0.tim,,
> _5m7_Lucene41_0.tip, _
>, _5of_Lucene41_0.doc,, _5of.fnm, _4qe_Lucene41_0.tip,
> _5qh_Lucene41_0.pos,, _4qe_Lucene41_0.tim, _5qc.fdx,
> _5r2_Lucene41_0.pos, _5qm.fnm, _5qc.fdt, _5qx_Lucene41_0.pos,
> _5qo_Lucene41_0.doc, _5q0.fnm, _5qv.fdx, _5qi_Lucene41_0.pos,
> _5p7_Lucene41_0.tim, _5qv.fdt,, _5p7_Lucene41_0.tip, _5q2.fdt, _
>, _5qm_Lucene41_0.doc, _5qc_Lucene41_0.tim, _5f5_Lucene41_0.tim,
> _5f5_Lucene41_0.tip, _5qc_Lucene41_0.tip, _5qx.fdx, _554_Lucene41_0.doc,
> _5q2_Lucene41_0.pos, _5r4_Lucene41_0.tim, _5qx.fdt, _5q1_Lucene41_0.pos,
> _5qp_Lucene41_0.doc,, _56u.fnm, _5q0_Lucene41_0.pos,
> _5r4_Lucene41_0.tip, _5qq.fdx, _5qr_Lucene41_0.pos, _56u_Lucene41_0.pos,
> _5r2_Lucene41_0.doc, _5qw_Lucene41_0.doc, _5r5_Lucene41_0.tim,
> _5r5_Lucene41_0.tip, _554.fnm, _5qi.fnm, _56u_Lucene41_0.tim,
> _5qo_Lucene41_0.pos, _56u_Lucene41_0.tip, _5f5.fnm, _5qq.fdt, _5q0_7.del,
> _5m7.fnm, _5qo.fnm,, _5q2.fdx, _5qt_Lucene41_0.tip,
> _5qw_Lucene41_0.tip, _5qt_Lucene41_0.tim,,,, _
> _5f5_Lucene41_0.pos, _5qy_Lucene41_0.tip, _5nx_Lucene41_0.tim,
> _5r2_Lucene41_0.tip, _5qm_Lucene41_0.pos, _5qq_Lucene41_0.tim,,
> _5r2.fdt, _5r2_Lucene41_0.tim, _5f5_2.del, _5qq_Lucene41_0.tip,
> _5qy_Lucene41_0.tim, _5nx_Lucene41_0.tip, _5o8_Lucene41_0.doc, _5r3.fdt,
> _5qv_Lucene41_0.pos, _5q1_Lucene41_0.doc, _5qo_Lucene41_0.tip, _5qx.fnm,
> _5qo_Lucene41_0.tim, _5co.fnm, _5qu.fdt, _5qu.fdx, _5r5.fdx, _554_n.del,
> _4qe_Lucene41_0.pos, _5q1_Lucene41_0.tip, _5f5_Lucene41_0.doc, _5r5.fdt,
> _5qw_Lucene41_0.tim, _5m7_c.del, _5qv.fnm, _5q1_Lucene41_0.tim, _5kb.fnm, _
>, _5qy.fnm, _5kb_Lucene41_0.pos, _5qx_Lucene41_0.doc, _5r4.fnm,
> _5qu_Lucene41_0.pos, _5r5_Lucene41_0.doc, _554_Lucene41_0.pos,
> _5qc_Lucene41_0.doc, _5hm_Lucene41_0.doc, _5p7.fnm,, _5p7_2.del,
> _5qi_Lucene41_0.doc, _5r2_2.del, _5r3.fdx, _5o8.fdx, _5q1.fnm, _5nx.fdt,
> _4qe.fnm, _5nx.fdx,, _5r3_Lucene41_0.pos, _5qa.fdt, _5r2.fdx,
> _5o8.fdt, _5qa_Lucene41_0.pos, _5qc_1.del, _5qw.fnm, _5m7_Lucene41_0.doc,
> _5qa.fdx, _5hm.fnm,,, _5qy_Lucene41_0.pos,
> _5qr_Lucene41_0.tim, _5qr_Lucene41_0.tip, _5qy.fdx, _5nx_Lucene41_0.pos,
> _5m7.fdt, _5kb_Lucene41_0.doc, _5m7.fdx, _554_Lucene41_0.tip, _5qc.fnm,
> _5o8_Lucene41_0.tim, _5co_Lucene41_0.doc, _554_Lucene41_0.tim, _5qy.fdt, _
>, _5o8_Lucene41_0.tip, _5qu.fnm, _5nx_Lucene41_0.doc, _5q2.fnm,
> _5o8_Lucene41_0.pos, _5qt_Lucene41_0.pos, _5qt.fnm, _5qh_Lucene41_0.tip,
> _5qh_Lucene41_0.tim, _5q2_Lucene41_0.tip, _5q2_Lucene41_0.tim,
> _5q0_Lucene41_0.doc, _5hm_c.del, _5r5_1.del, _5o8.fnm, _5qu_Lucene41_0.doc,
> _5q0_Lucene41_0.tip, _5hm_Lucene41_0.tip, _5r5_Lucene41_0.pos, _5qo.fdx,
> _5f5.fdt, _5q0_Lucene41_0.tim, _5qr.fdx, _5qu_Lucene41_0.tim,,
> _5q1_1.del, _5of_1.del, _5qp.fdt, _5q0.fdx,, _5r4_Lucene41_0.doc,
> _5of.fdx, _4qe_Lucene41_0.doc, _5qh.fnm, _5of.fdt, _5of_Lucene41_0.pos,
> _5f5.fdx, _5m7_Lucene41_0.pos,, _5qw.fdt, _5qx_Lucene41_0.tim,
> _5qx_Lucene41_0.tip, _5nx_2.del, _5qv_Lucene41_0.doc, _5qw.fdx, _5q0.fdt,
> _5co_Lucene41_0.tim, _5qq_Lucene41_0.doc, _5qp.fdx, _5qu_Lucene41_0.tip,
> _5qr.fdt, _5qi_Lucene41_0.tip, _5qp_Lucene41_0.pos, _5hm_Lucene41_0.tim,
> _5qi_Lucene41_0.tim, _5qo.fdt, _5co_Lucene41_0.tip, _5qc_Lucene41_0.pos]
> 14:16:53,013 INFO  [org.apache.solr.update.LoggingInfoStream]
> (recoveryExecutor-7-thread-1) [IW][recoveryExecutor-7-thread-1]: commit:
> pendingCommit != null
> 14:16:53,015 INFO  [org.apache.solr.update.LoggingInfoStream]
> (recoveryExecutor-7-thread-1) [IW][recoveryExecutor-7-thread-1]: commit:
> wrote segments file "segments_9u"
> 14:16:53,015 INFO  [org.apache.solr.update.LoggingInfoStream]
> (recoveryExecutor-7-thread-1) [IFD][recoveryExecutor-7-thread-1]: now
> checkpoint "_4qe(4.10.0):C4312879/1370113:delGen=57
> _554(4.10.0):C3995865/780418:delGen=23 _56u(4.10.0):C286775/11906:delGen=15
> _5co(4.10.0):C871785/93995:delGen=11 _5m7(4.10.0):C122852/54010:delGen=12
> _5hm(4.10.0):C457977/83353:delGen=12 _5q0(4.10.0):C13610/2625:delGen=7
> _5kb(4.10.0):C424868/49572:delGen=12 _5f5(4.10.0):C116528/43621:delGen=2
> _5nx(4.10.0):C33236/20669:delGen=2 _5qm(4.10.0):C29770/4:delGen=2
> _5o8(4.10.0):C27155/7531:delGen=1 _5of(4.10.0):C38545/5677:delGen=1
> _5p7(4.10.0):C37457/649:delGen=2 _5qv(4.10.0):C3973/1:delGen=1
> _5q1(4.10.0):C402/1:delGen=1 _5q2(4.10.0):C779 _5qa(4.10.0):C967
> _5qc(4.10.0):C1828/1:delGen=1 _5qh(4.10.0):C1765/1:delGen=1
> _5qi(4.10.0):C1241 _5qq(4.10.0):C1997 _5qr(4.10.0):C1468
> _5qp(4.10.0):C1729/1:delGen=1 _5qo(4.10.0):C3456/2:delGen=2
> _5qu(4.10.0):C27 _5qt(4.10.0):C30 _5qx(4.10.0):C638 _5qy(4.10.0):C1407
> _5qw(4.10.0):C802/1:delGen=1 _5r2(4.10.0):C32769/4:delGen=2
> _5r3(4.10.0):C26057 _5r4(4.10.0):C23934/3:delGen=2
> _5r5(4.10.0):C24222/1:delGen=1" [34 segments ; isCommit = true]
> 14:16:53,015 INFO  [org.apache.solr.core.SolrCore]
> (recoveryExecutor-7-thread-1) SolrDeletionPolicy.onCommit: commits: num=2
>         commit{dir=NRTCachingDirectory(MMapDirectory@
> /opt/solr/solrnodes/solrnode1/search1_shard7_replica4/data/index.20150126140904697
> lockFactory=NativeFSLockFactory@
> /opt/solr/solrnodes/solrnode1/search1_shard7_replica4/data/index.20150126140904697;
> maxCacheMB=48.0 maxMergeSizeMB=4.0),segFN=segments_9t,generation=353}
>         commit{dir=NRTCachingDirectory(MMapDirectory@
> /opt/solr/solrnodes/solrnode1/search1_shard7_replica4/data/index.20150126140904697
> lockFactory=NativeFSLockFactory@
> /opt/solr/solrnodes/solrnode1/search1_shard7_replica4/data/index.20150126140904697;
> maxCacheMB=48.0 maxMergeSizeMB=4.0),segFN=segments_9u,generation=354}
> 14:16:53,016 INFO  [org.apache.solr.core.SolrCore]
> (recoveryExecutor-7-thread-1) newest commit generation = 354
> 14:16:53,016 INFO  [org.apache.solr.update.LoggingInfoStream]
> (recoveryExecutor-7-thread-1) [IFD][recoveryExecutor-7-thread-1]:
> deleteCommits: now decRef commit "segments_9t"
> 14:16:53,016 INFO  [org.apache.solr.update.LoggingInfoStream]
> (recoveryExecutor-7-thread-1) [IFD][recoveryExecutor-7-thread-1]: delete
> "segments_9t"
> 14:16:53,016 INFO  [org.apache.solr.update.LoggingInfoStream]
> (recoveryExecutor-7-thread-1) [IFD][recoveryExecutor-7-thread-1]: 1 msec to
> checkpoint
> 14:16:53,016 INFO  [org.apache.solr.update.LoggingInfoStream]
> (recoveryExecutor-7-thread-1) [IW][recoveryExecutor-7-thread-1]: commit:
> took 3733.0 msec
> 14:16:53,016 INFO  [org.apache.solr.update.LoggingInfoStream]
> (recoveryExecutor-7-thread-1) [IW][recoveryExecutor-7-thread-1]: commit:
> done
> 14:16:53,017 INFO  [org.apache.solr.update.LoggingInfoStream]
> (recoveryExecutor-7-thread-1) [DW][recoveryExecutor-7-thread-1]:
> anyChanges? numDocsInRam=0 deletes=false hasTickets:false
> pendingChangesInFullFlush: false
> 14:16:53,017 INFO  [org.apache.solr.update.LoggingInfoStream]
> (recoveryExecutor-7-thread-1) [IW][recoveryExecutor-7-thread-1]:
> nrtIsCurrent: infoVersion matches: false; DW changes: false; BD changes:
> false
> 14:16:53,017 INFO  [org.apache.solr.update.LoggingInfoStream]
> (recoveryExecutor-7-thread-1) [IW][recoveryExecutor-7-thread-1]: flush at
> getReader
> 14:16:53,017 INFO  [org.apache.solr.update.LoggingInfoStream]
> (recoveryExecutor-7-thread-1) [DW][recoveryExecutor-7-thread-1]:
> startFullFlush
> 14:16:53,017 INFO  [org.apache.solr.update.LoggingInfoStream]
> (recoveryExecutor-7-thread-1) [DW][recoveryExecutor-7-thread-1]:
> anyChanges? numDocsInRam=0 deletes=false hasTickets:false
> pendingChangesInFullFlush: false
> 14:16:53,017 INFO  [org.apache.solr.update.LoggingInfoStream]
> (recoveryExecutor-7-thread-1) [IW][recoveryExecutor-7-thread-1]: apply all
> deletes during flush
> 14:16:53,017 INFO  [org.apache.solr.update.LoggingInfoStream]
> (recoveryExecutor-7-thread-1) [BD][recoveryExecutor-7-thread-1]:
> applyDeletes: no deletes; skipping
> 14:16:53,017 INFO  [org.apache.solr.update.LoggingInfoStream]
> (recoveryExecutor-7-thread-1) [BD][recoveryExecutor-7-thread-1]: prune
> sis=segments_9u: _4qe(4.10.0):C4312879/1370113:delGen=57
> _554(4.10.0):C3995865/780418:delGen=23 _56u(4.10.0):C286775/11906:delGen=15
> _5co(4.10.0):C871785/93995:delGen=11 _5m7(4.10.0):C122852/54010:delGen=12
> _5hm(4.10.0):C457977/83353:delGen=12 _5q0(4.10.0):C13610/2625:delGen=7
> _5kb(4.10.0):C424868/49572:delGen=12 _5f5(4.10.0):C116528/43621:delGen=2
> _5nx(4.10.0):C33236/20669:delGen=2 _5qm(4.10.0):C29770/4:delGen=2
> _5o8(4.10.0):C27155/7531:delGen=1 _5of(4.10.0):C38545/5677:delGen=1
> _5p7(4.10.0):C37457/649:delGen=2 _5qv(4.10.0):C3973/1:delGen=1
> _5q1(4.10.0):C402/1:delGen=1 _5q2(4.10.0):C779 _5qa(4.10.0):C967
> _5qc(4.10.0):C1828/1:delGen=1 _5qh(4.10.0):C1765/1:delGen=1
> _5qi(4.10.0):C1241 _5qq(4.10.0):C1997 _5qr(4.10.0):C1468
> _5qp(4.10.0):C1729/1:delGen=1 _5qo(4.10.0):C3456/2:delGen=2
> _5qu(4.10.0):C27 _5qt(4.10.0):C30 _5qx(4.10.0):C638 _5qy(4.10.0):C1407
> _5qw(4.10.0):C802/1:delGen=1 _5r2(4.10.0):C32769/4:delGen=2
> _5r3(4.10.0):C26057 _5r4(4.10.0):C23934/3:delGen=2
> _5r5(4.10.0):C24222/1:delGen=1 minGen=10 packetCount=0
> 14:16:53,026 INFO  [org.apache.solr.update.LoggingInfoStream]
> (recoveryExecutor-7-thread-1) [IW][recoveryExecutor-7-thread-1]: return
> reader version=16082 reader=StandardDirectoryReader(segments_9u:16082:nrt
> _4qe(4.10.0):C4312879/1370113:delGen=57
> _554(4.10.0):C3995865/780418:delGen=23 _56u(4.10.0):C286775/11906:delGen=15
> _5co(4.10.0):C871785/93995:delGen=11 _5m7(4.10.0):C122852/54010:delGen=12
> _5hm(4.10.0):C457977/83353:delGen=12 _5q0(4.10.0):C13610/2625:delGen=7
> _5kb(4.10.0):C424868/49572:delGen=12 _5f5(4.10.0):C116528/43621:delGen=2
> _5nx(4.10.0):C33236/20669:delGen=2 _5qm(4.10.0):C29770/4:delGen=2
> _5o8(4.10.0):C27155/7531:delGen=1 _5of(4.10.0):C38545/5677:delGen=1
> _5p7(4.10.0):C37457/649:delGen=2 _5qv(4.10.0):C3973/1:delGen=1
> _5q1(4.10.0):C402/1:delGen=1 _5q2(4.10.0):C779 _5qa(4.10.0):C967
> _5qc(4.10.0):C1828/1:delGen=1 _5qh(4.10.0):C1765/1:delGen=1
> _5qi(4.10.0):C1241 _5qq(4.10.0):C1997 _5qr(4.10.0):C1468
> _5qp(4.10.0):C1729/1:delGen=1 _5qo(4.10.0):C3456/2:delGen=2
> _5qu(4.10.0):C27 _5qt(4.10.0):C30 _5qx(4.10.0):C638 _5qy(4.10.0):C1407
> _5qw(4.10.0):C802/1:delGen=1 _5r2(4.10.0):C32769/4:delGen=2
> _5r3(4.10.0):C26057 _5r4(4.10.0):C23934/3:delGen=2
> _5r5(4.10.0):C24222/1:delGen=1)
> 14:16:53,026 INFO  [org.apache.solr.update.LoggingInfoStream]
> (recoveryExecutor-7-thread-1) [DW][recoveryExecutor-7-thread-1]:
> recoveryExecutor-7-thread-1 finishFullFlush success=true
> 14:16:53,026 INFO  [org.apache.solr.update.LoggingInfoStream]
> (recoveryExecutor-7-thread-1) [IW][recoveryExecutor-7-thread-1]: getReader
> took 9 msec
> 14:16:53,026 INFO  []
> (recoveryExecutor-7-thread-1) Opening Searcher@dbe17f9
> [search1_shard7_replica4]
> main
> 14:16:53,120 INFO  [org.apache.solr.update.UpdateHandler]
> (recoveryExecutor-7-thread-1) end_commit_flush
> ==> gc.20150126-135638.log <==
> 1214.654: [GC1214.654: [ParNew: 974509K->56784K(996800K), 0.0150450 secs]
> 1519683K->603424K(1995752K), 0.0152330 secs] [Times: user=0.14 sys=0.00,
> real=0.02 secs]
> ==> server.log <==
> 14:16:53,406 INFO  [org.apache.solr.update.LoggingInfoStream] (Lucene Merge
> Thread #0) [SM][Lucene Merge Thread #0]: 477 msec to merge postings [8708
> docs]
> 14:16:53,406 INFO  [org.apache.solr.update.LoggingInfoStream] (Lucene Merge
> Thread #0) [SM][Lucene Merge Thread #0]: 0 msec to merge doc values [8708
> docs]
> 14:16:53,407 INFO  [org.apache.solr.update.LoggingInfoStream] (Lucene Merge
> Thread #0) [IW][Lucene Merge Thread #0]: merge codec=Lucene410
> docCount=8708; merged segment has no vectors; no norms; no docValues; prox;
> freqs
> 14:16:53,407 INFO  [org.apache.solr.update.LoggingInfoStream] (Lucene Merge
> Thread #0) [IW][Lucene Merge Thread #0]: merged segment size=7.623 MB vs
> estimate=8.906 MB
> 14:16:53,408 INFO  [org.apache.solr.update.LoggingInfoStream] (Lucene Merge
> Thread #0) [IW][Lucene Merge Thread #0]: commitMerge: _5qr(4.10.0):C1468
> _5qp(4.10.0):C1729/1:delGen=1 _5qa(4.10.0):C967 _5qi(4.10.0):C1241
> _5qy(4.10.0):C1407 _5q1(4.10.0):C402/1:delGen=1
> _5qw(4.10.0):C802/1:delGen=1 _5qx(4.10.0):C638 _5qt(4.10.0):C30
> _5qu(4.10.0):C27 index=_4qe(4.10.0):C4312879/1370113:delGen=57
> _554(4.10.0):C3995865/780418:delGen=23 _56u(4.10.0):C286775/11906:delGen=15
> _5co(4.10.0):C871785/93995:delGen=11 _5m7(4.10.0):C122852/54010:delGen=12
> _5hm(4.10.0):C457977/83353:delGen=12 _5q0(4.10.0):C13610/2625:delGen=7
> _5kb(4.10.0):C424868/49572:delGen=12 _5f5(4.10.0):C116528/43621:delGen=2
> _5nx(4.10.0):C33236/20669:delGen=2 _5qm(4.10.0):C29770/4:delGen=2
> _5o8(4.10.0):C27155/7531:delGen=1 _5of(4.10.0):C38545/5677:delGen=1
> _5p7(4.10.0):C37457/649:delGen=2 _5qv(4.10.0):C3973/1:delGen=1
> _5q1(4.10.0):C402/1:delGen=1 _5q2(4.10.0):C779 _5qa(4.10.0):C967
> _5qc(4.10.0):C1828/1:delGen=1 _5qh(4.10.0):C1765/1:delGen=1
> _5qi(4.10.0):C1241 _5qq(4.10.0):C1997 _5qr(4.10.0):C1468
> _5qp(4.10.0):C1729/1:delGen=1 _5qo(4.10.0):C3456/2:delGen=2
> _5qu(4.10.0):C27 _5qt(4.10.0):C30 _5qx(4.10.0):C638 _5qy(4.10.0):C1407
> _5qw(4.10.0):C802/1:delGen=1 _5r2(4.10.0):C32769/4:delGen=2
> _5r3(4.10.0):C26057 _5r4(4.10.0):C23934/3:delGen=2
> _5r5(4.10.0):C24222/1:delGen=1
> 14:16:53,408 INFO  [org.apache.solr.update.LoggingInfoStream] (Lucene Merge
> Thread #0) [IW][Lucene Merge Thread #0]: commitMergeDeletes
> _5qr(4.10.0):C1468 _5qp(4.10.0):C1729/1:delGen=1 _5qa(4.10.0):C967
> _5qi(4.10.0):C1241 _5qy(4.10.0):C1407 _5q1(4.10.0):C402/1:delGen=1
> _5qw(4.10.0):C802/1:delGen=1 _5qx(4.10.0):C638 _5qt(4.10.0):C30
> _5qu(4.10.0):C27
> 14:16:53,408 INFO  [org.apache.solr.update.LoggingInfoStream] (Lucene Merge
> Thread #0) [IW][Lucene Merge Thread #0]: no new deletes or field updates
> since merge started
> 14:16:53,408 INFO  [org.apache.solr.update.LoggingInfoStream] (Lucene Merge
> Thread #0) [IFD][Lucene Merge Thread #0]: now checkpoint
> "_4qe(4.10.0):C4312879/1370113:delGen=57
> _554(4.10.0):C3995865/780418:delGen=23 _56u(4.10.0):C286775/11906:delGen=15
> _5co(4.10.0):C871785/93995:delGen=11 _5m7(4.10.0):C122852/54010:delGen=12
> _5hm(4.10.0):C457977/83353:delGen=12 _5q0(4.10.0):C13610/2625:delGen=7
> _5kb(4.10.0):C424868/49572:delGen=12 _5f5(4.10.0):C116528/43621:delGen=2
> _5nx(4.10.0):C33236/20669:delGen=2 _5qm(4.10.0):C29770/4:delGen=2
> _5o8(4.10.0):C27155/7531:delGen=1 _5of(4.10.0):C38545/5677:delGen=1
> _5p7(4.10.0):C37457/649:delGen=2 _5qv(4.10.0):C3973/1:delGen=1
> _5r6(4.10.0):C8708 _5q2(4.10.0):C779 _5qc(4.10.0):C1828/1:delGen=1
> _5qh(4.10.0):C1765/1:delGen=1 _5qq(4.10.0):C1997
> _5qo(4.10.0):C3456/2:delGen=2 _5r2(4.10.0):C32769/4:delGen=2
> _5r3(4.10.0):C26057 _5r4(4.10.0):C23934/3:delGen=2
> _5r5(4.10.0):C24222/1:delGen=1" [25 segments ; isCommit = false]
> 14:16:53,408 INFO  [org.apache.solr.update.LoggingInfoStream] (Lucene Merge
> Thread #0) [IFD][Lucene Merge Thread #0]: 0 msec to checkpoint
> 14:16:53,408 INFO  [org.apache.solr.update.LoggingInfoStream] (Lucene Merge
> Thread #0) [IW][Lucene Merge Thread #0]: after commitMerge:
> _4qe(4.10.0):C4312879/1370113:delGen=57
> _554(4.10.0):C3995865/780418:delGen=23 _56u(4.10.0):C286775/11906:delGen=15
> _5co(4.10.0):C871785/93995:delGen=11 _5m7(4.10.0):C122852/54010:delGen=12
> _5hm(4.10.0):C457977/83353:delGen=12 _5q0(4.10.0):C13610/2625:delGen=7
> _5kb(4.10.0):C424868/49572:delGen=12 _5f5(4.10.0):C116528/43621:delGen=2
> _5nx(4.10.0):C33236/20669:delGen=2 _5qm(4.10.0):C29770/4:delGen=2
> _5o8(4.10.0):C27155/7531:delGen=1 _5of(4.10.0):C38545/5677:delGen=1
> _5p7(4.10.0):C37457/649:delGen=2 _5qv(4.10.0):C3973/1:delGen=1
> _5r6(4.10.0):C8708 _5q2(4.10.0):C779 _5qc(4.10.0):C1828/1:delGen=1
> _5qh(4.10.0):C1765/1:delGen=1 _5qq(4.10.0):C1997
> _5qo(4.10.0):C3456/2:delGen=2 _5r2(4.10.0):C32769/4:delGen=2
> _5r3(4.10.0):C26057 _5r4(4.10.0):C23934/3:delGen=2
> _5r5(4.10.0):C24222/1:delGen=1
> 14:16:53,408 INFO  [org.apache.solr.update.LoggingInfoStream] (Lucene Merge
> Thread #0) [TMP][Lucene Merge Thread #0]: findMerges: 25 segments
> 14:16:53,409 INFO  [org.apache.solr.update.LoggingInfoStream] (Lucene Merge
> Thread #0) [TMP][Lucene Merge Thread #0]:
> seg=_554(4.10.0):C3995865/780418:delGen=23 size=3669.307 MB [skip: too
> large]
> 14:16:53,409 INFO  [org.apache.solr.update.LoggingInfoStream] (Lucene Merge
> Thread #0) [TMP][Lucene Merge Thread #0]:
> seg=_4qe(4.10.0):C4312879/1370113:delGen=57 size=3506.254 MB [skip: too
> large]
> 14:16:53,409 INFO  [org.apache.solr.update.LoggingInfoStream] (Lucene Merge
> Thread #0) [TMP][Lucene Merge Thread #0]:
> seg=_5co(4.10.0):C871785/93995:delGen=11 size=853.668 MB
> 14:16:53,409 INFO  [org.apache.solr.update.LoggingInfoStream] (Lucene Merge
> Thread #0) [TMP][Lucene Merge Thread #0]:
> seg=_5kb(4.10.0):C424868/49572:delGen=12 size=518.704 MB
> 14:16:53,409 INFO  [org.apache.solr.update.LoggingInfoStream] (Lucene Merge
> Thread #0) [TMP][Lucene Merge Thread #0]:
> seg=_5hm(4.10.0):C457977/83353:delGen=12 size=470.422 MB
> 14:16:53,409 INFO  [org.apache.solr.update.LoggingInfoStream] (Lucene Merge
> Thread #0) [TMP][Lucene Merge Thread #0]:
> seg=_56u(4.10.0):C286775/11906:delGen=15 size=312.952 MB
> 14:16:53,409 INFO  [org.apache.solr.update.LoggingInfoStream] (Lucene Merge
> Thread #0) [TMP][Lucene Merge Thread #0]:
> seg=_5f5(4.10.0):C116528/43621:delGen=2 size=95.529 MB
> 14:16:53,409 INFO  [org.apache.solr.update.LoggingInfoStream] (Lucene Merge
> Thread #0) [TMP][Lucene Merge Thread #0]:
> seg=_5m7(4.10.0):C122852/54010:delGen=12 size=84.949 MB
> 14:16:53,409 INFO  [org.apache.solr.update.LoggingInfoStream] (Lucene Merge
> Thread #0) [TMP][Lucene Merge Thread #0]:
> seg=_5p7(4.10.0):C37457/649:delGen=2 size=54.241 MB
> 14:16:53,409 INFO  [org.apache.solr.update.LoggingInfoStream] (Lucene Merge
> Thread #0) [TMP][Lucene Merge Thread #0]:
> seg=_5of(4.10.0):C38545/5677:delGen=1 size=50.672 MB
> 14:16:53,409 INFO  [org.apache.solr.update.LoggingInfoStream] (Lucene Merge
> Thread #0) [TMP][Lucene Merge Thread #0]:
> seg=_5qm(4.10.0):C29770/4:delGen=2 size=34.052 MB
> 14:16:53,409 INFO  [org.apache.solr.update.LoggingInfoStream] (Lucene Merge
> Thread #0) [TMP][Lucene Merge Thread #0]:
> seg=_5o8(4.10.0):C27155/7531:delGen=1 size=31.008 MB
> 14:16:53,409 INFO  [org.apache.solr.update.LoggingInfoStream] (Lucene Merge
> Thread #0) [TMP][Lucene Merge Thread #0]:
> seg=_5r2(4.10.0):C32769/4:delGen=2 size=27.410 MB
> 14:16:53,409 INFO  [org.apache.solr.update.LoggingInfoStream] (Lucene Merge
> Thread #0) [TMP][Lucene Merge Thread #0]:   seg=_5r3(4.10.0):C26057
> size=23.893 MB
> 14:16:53,409 INFO  [org.apache.solr.update.LoggingInfoStream] (Lucene Merge
> Thread #0) [TMP][Lucene Merge Thread #0]:
> seg=_5r4(4.10.0):C23934/3:delGen=2 size=22.004 MB
> 14:16:53,409 INFO  [org.apache.solr.update.LoggingInfoStream] (Lucene Merge
> Thread #0) [TMP][Lucene Merge Thread #0]:
> seg=_5nx(4.10.0):C33236/20669:delGen=2 size=19.861 MB
> 14:16:53,410 INFO  [org.apache.solr.update.LoggingInfoStream] (Lucene Merge
> Thread #0) [TMP][Lucene Merge Thread #0]:
> seg=_5r5(4.10.0):C24222/1:delGen=1 size=19.546 MB
> 14:16:53,410 INFO  [org.apache.solr.update.LoggingInfoStream] (Lucene Merge
> Thread #0) [TMP][Lucene Merge Thread #0]:
> seg=_5q0(4.10.0):C13610/2625:delGen=7 size=12.480 MB
> 14:16:53,410 INFO  [org.apache.solr.update.LoggingInfoStream] (Lucene Merge
> Thread #0) [TMP][Lucene Merge Thread #0]:   seg=_5r6(4.10.0):C8708
> size=7.622 MB
> 14:16:53,410 INFO  [org.apache.solr.update.LoggingInfoStream] (Lucene Merge
> Thread #0) [TMP][Lucene Merge Thread #0]:
> seg=_5qv(4.10.0):C3973/1:delGen=1 size=3.402 MB
> 14:16:53,410 INFO  [org.apache.solr.update.LoggingInfoStream] (Lucene Merge
> Thread #0) [TMP][Lucene Merge Thread #0]:
> seg=_5qo(4.10.0):C3456/2:delGen=2 size=3.147 MB
> 14:16:53,410 INFO  [org.apache.solr.update.LoggingInfoStream] (Lucene Merge
> Thread #0) [TMP][Lucene Merge Thread #0]:   seg=_5qq(4.10.0):C1997
> size=1.781 MB [floored]
> 14:16:53,410 INFO  [org.apache.solr.update.LoggingInfoStream] (Lucene Merge
> Thread #0) [TMP][Lucene Merge Thread #0]:   seg=_5q2(4.10.0):C779
> size=1.554 MB [floored]
> 14:16:53,410 INFO  [org.apache.solr.update.LoggingInfoStream] (Lucene Merge
> Thread #0) [TMP][Lucene Merge Thread #0]:
> seg=_5qh(4.10.0):C1765/1:delGen=1 size=1.549 MB [floored]
> 14:16:53,410 INFO  [org.apache.solr.update.LoggingInfoStream] (Lucene Merge
> Thread #0) [TMP][Lucene Merge Thread #0]:
> seg=_5qc(4.10.0):C1828/1:delGen=1 size=1.401 MB [floored]
> 14:16:53,410 INFO  [org.apache.solr.update.LoggingInfoStream] (Lucene Merge
> Thread #0) [TMP][Lucene Merge Thread #0]:   allowedSegmentCount=31 vs
> count=25 (eligible count=23) tooBigCount=2
> 14:16:53,410 INFO  [org.apache.solr.update.LoggingInfoStream] (Lucene Merge
> Thread #0) [IW][Lucene Merge Thread #0]: merge time 625 msec for 8708 docs
> 14:16:53,410 INFO  [org.apache.solr.update.LoggingInfoStream] (Lucene Merge
> Thread #0) [CMS][Lucene Merge Thread #0]:   merge thread: done
> ==> gc.20150126-135638.log <==
> 1217.747: [GC1217.747: [ParNew: 942864K->33781K(996800K), 0.0409520 secs]
> 1489504K->580420K(1995752K), 0.0411310 secs] [Times: user=0.25 sys=0.00,
> real=0.04 secs]
> ==> server.log <==
> 14:16:58,363 INFO  [org.apache.solr.core.SolrCore]
> (searcherExecutor-6-thread-1) QuerySenderListener sending requests to
> Searcher@dbe17f9[search1_shard7_replica4]
> main{StandardDirectoryReader(segments_9u:16082:nrt
> _4qe(4.10.0):C4312879/1370113:delGen=57
> _554(4.10.0):C3995865/780418:delGen=23 _56u(4.10.0):C286775/11906:delGen=15
> _5co(4.10.0):C871785/93995:delGen=11 _5m7(4.10.0):C122852/54010:delGen=12
> _5hm(4.10.0):C457977/83353:delGen=12 _5q0(4.10.0):C13610/2625:delGen=7
> _5kb(4.10.0):C424868/49572:delGen=12 _5f5(4.10.0):C116528/43621:delGen=2
> _5nx(4.10.0):C33236/20669:delGen=2 _5qm(4.10.0):C29770/4:delGen=2
> _5o8(4.10.0):C27155/7531:delGen=1 _5of(4.10.0):C38545/5677:delGen=1
> _5p7(4.10.0):C37457/649:delGen=2 _5qv(4.10.0):C3973/1:delGen=1
> _5q1(4.10.0):C402/1:delGen=1 _5q2(4.10.0):C779 _5qa(4.10.0):C967
> _5qc(4.10.0):C1828/1:delGen=1 _5qh(4.10.0):C1765/1:delGen=1
> _5qi(4.10.0):C1241 _5qq(4.10.0):C1997 _5qr(4.10.0):C1468
> _5qp(4.10.0):C1729/1:delGen=1 _5qo(4.10.0):C3456/2:delGen=2
> _5qu(4.10.0):C27 _5qt(4.10.0):C30 _5qx(4.10.0):C638 _5qy(4.10.0):C1407
> _5qw(4.10.0):C802/1:delGen=1 _5r2(4.10.0):C32769/4:delGen=2
> _5r3(4.10.0):C26057 _5r4(4.10.0):C23934/3:delGen=2
> _5r5(4.10.0):C24222/1:delGen=1)}
> 14:16:58,363 INFO  [org.apache.solr.core.SolrCore]
> (searcherExecutor-6-thread-1) QuerySenderListener done.
> 14:16:58,365 INFO  [org.apache.solr.core.SolrCore]
> (searcherExecutor-6-thread-1) [search1_shard7_replica4] Registered new
> searcher Searcher@dbe17f9[search1_shard7_replica4]
> main{StandardDirectoryReader(segments_9u:16082:nrt
> _4qe(4.10.0):C4312879/1370113:delGen=57
> _554(4.10.0):C3995865/780418:delGen=23 _56u(4.10.0):C286775/11906:delGen=15
> _5co(4.10.0):C871785/93995:delGen=11 _5m7(4.10.0):C122852/54010:delGen=12
> _5hm(4.10.0):C457977/83353:delGen=12 _5q0(4.10.0):C13610/2625:delGen=7
> _5kb(4.10.0):C424868/49572:delGen=12 _5f5(4.10.0):C116528/43621:delGen=2
> _5nx(4.10.0):C33236/20669:delGen=2 _5qm(4.10.0):C29770/4:delGen=2
> _5o8(4.10.0):C27155/7531:delGen=1 _5of(4.10.0):C38545/5677:delGen=1
> _5p7(4.10.0):C37457/649:delGen=2 _5qv(4.10.0):C3973/1:delGen=1
> _5q1(4.10.0):C402/1:delGen=1 _5q2(4.10.0):C779 _5qa(4.10.0):C967
> _5qc(4.10.0):C1828/1:delGen=1 _5qh(4.10.0):C1765/1:delGen=1
> _5qi(4.10.0):C1241 _5qq(4.10.0):C1997 _5qr(4.10.0):C1468
> _5qp(4.10.0):C1729/1:delGen=1 _5qo(4.10.0):C3456/2:delGen=2
> _5qu(4.10.0):C27 _5qt(4.10.0):C30 _5qx(4.10.0):C638 _5qy(4.10.0):C1407
> _5qw(4.10.0):C802/1:delGen=1 _5r2(4.10.0):C32769/4:delGen=2
> _5r3(4.10.0):C26057 _5r4(4.10.0):C23934/3:delGen=2
> _5r5(4.10.0):C24222/1:delGen=1)}
> 14:16:58,367 INFO  [org.apache.solr.update.LoggingInfoStream]
> (searcherExecutor-6-thread-1) [IFD][searcherExecutor-6-thread-1]: delete
> "_4qe_1k.del"
> 14:16:58,367 INFO  [org.apache.solr.update.LoggingInfoStream]
> (searcherExecutor-6-thread-1) [IFD][searcherExecutor-6-thread-1]: delete
> "_5p7_1.del"
> 14:16:58,367 INFO  [org.apache.solr.update.LoggingInfoStream]
> (searcherExecutor-6-thread-1) [IFD][searcherExecutor-6-thread-1]: delete
> "_5nx_1.del"
> 14:16:58,367 INFO  [org.apache.solr.update.LoggingInfoStream]
> (searcherExecutor-6-thread-1) [IFD][searcherExecutor-6-thread-1]: delete
> "_5co_a.del"
> 14:16:58,367 INFO  [org.apache.solr.update.LoggingInfoStream]
> (searcherExecutor-6-thread-1) [IFD][searcherExecutor-6-thread-1]: delete
> "_5q0_6.del"
> 14:16:58,367 INFO  [org.apache.solr.update.LoggingInfoStream]
> (searcherExecutor-6-thread-1) [
> On Sun, Jan 25, 2015 at 9:53 PM, Erick Erickson <>
> wrote:
> > Ah, OK. Whew! because I was wondering how you were running at _all_ if
> all
> > the memory was allocated to the JVM ;)..
> >
> > What is your Zookeeper timeout? The original default was 15 seconds and
> > this
> > has caused problems like this. Here's the scenario:
> > You send a bunch of docs at the server, and eventually you hit a
> > stop-the-world
> > GC that takes longer than the Zookeeper timeout. So ZK thinks the node is
> > down
> > and initiates recovery. Eventually, you hit this on all the replicas.
> >
> > Sometimes I've seen situations where the answer is giving a bit more
> memory
> > to the JVM, say 2-4G in your case. The theory here (and this is a shot in
> > the
> > dark) that your peak JVM requirements are close to your 12G, so the
> garbage
> > collection spends enormous amounts of time collecting a small bit of
> > memory,
> > runs for some fraction of a second and does it again. Adding more to the
> > JVMs
> > memory allows the parallel collections to work without so many
> > stop-the-world
> > GC pauses.
> >
> > So what I'd do is turn on GC logging (probably on the replicas) and look
> > for
> > very long GC pauses. Mark Miller put together a blog here:
> >
> >
> > See the "getting a view into garbage collection". The smoking gun here
> > is if you see full GC pauses that are longer than the ZK timeout.
> >
> > 90M docs in 4 hours across 10 shards is only 625/sec or so per shard.
> I've
> > seen
> > sustained indexing rates significantly above this, YMMV or course, a lot
> > depends
> > on the size of the docs.
> >
> > What version of Solr BTW? And when you say you fire a bunch of indexers,
> > I'm
> > assuming these are SolrJ clients and use CloudSolrServer?
> >
> > Best,
> > Erick
> >
> >
> > On Sun, Jan 25, 2015 at 4:10 PM, Vijay Sekhri <>
> > wrote:
> >
> > > Thank you for the reply Eric.
> > > I am sorry I had wrong information posted. I posted our DEV env
> > > configuration by mistake.
> > > After double checking our stress and Prod Beta env where we have found
> > the
> > > original issue, I found all the searchers have around 50 GB of RAM
> > > available and two instances of JVM running (2 different ports). Both
> > > instances have 12 GB allocated. The rest 26 GB is available for the OS.
> > 1st
> > >  instance on a host has search1 collection (live collection) and the
> 2nd
> > > instance on the same host  has search2 collection (for full indexing ).
> > >
> > > There is plenty room for OS related tasks. Our issue is not in anyway
> > > related to OS starving as shown from our dashboards.
> > > We have been through
> > >
> > >
> >
> > > a lot of times but  we have two modes of operation
> > > a)  1st collection (Live traffic) - heavy searches and medium indexing
> > > b)  2nd collection (Not serving traffic) - very heavy indexing, no
> > searches
> > >
> > > When our indexing finishes we swap the alias for these collection . So
> > > essentially we need to have a configuration that can support both the
> use
> > > cases together. We have tried a lot of different configuration options
> > and
> > > none of them seems to work. My suspicion is that solr cloud is unable
> to
> > > keep up with the updates at the rate we are sending while it is trying
> to
> > > be consistent with all the replicas.
> > >
> > >
> > > On Sun, Jan 25, 2015 at 5:30 PM, Erick Erickson <
> > >
> > > wrote:
> > >
> > > > Shawn directed you over here to the user list, but I see this note on
> > > > SOLR-7030:
> > > > "All our searchers have 12 GB of RAM available and have quad core
> > > Intel(R)
> > > > Xeon(R) CPU X5570 @ 2.93GHz. There is only one java process running
> i.e
> > > > jboss and solr in it . All 12 GB is available as heap for the java
> > > > process..."
> > > >
> > > > So you have 12G physical memory and have allocated 12G to the Java
> > > process?
> > > > This is an anti-pattern. If that's
> > > > the case, your operating system is being starved for memory, probably
> > > > hitting a state where it spends all of its
> > > > time in stop-the-world garbage collection, eventually it doesn't
> > respond
> > > to
> > > > Zookeeper's ping so Zookeeper
> > > > thinks the node is down and puts it into recovery. Where it spends a
> > lot
> > > of
> > > > time doing... essentially nothing.
> > > >
> > > > About the hard and soft commits: I suspect these are entirely
> > unrelated,
> > > > but here's a blog on what they do, you
> > > > should pick the configuration that supports your use case (i.e. how
> > much
> > > > latency can you stand between indexing
> > > > and being able to search?).
> > > >
> > > >
> > > >
> > >
> >
> > > >
> > > > Here's one very good reason you shouldn't starve your op system by
> > > > allocating all the physical memory to the JVM:
> > > >
> >
> > > >
> > > >
> > > > But your biggest problem is that you have far too much of your
> physical
> > > > memory allocated to the JVM. This
> > > > will cause you endless problems, you just need more physical memory
> on
> > > > those boxes. It's _possible_ you could
> > > > get by with less memory for the JVM, counterintuitive as it seems try
> > 8G
> > > or
> > > > maybe even 6G. At some point
> > > > you'll hit OOM errors, but that'll give you a lower limit on what the
> > JVM
> > > > needs.
> > > >
> > > > Unless I've mis-interpreted what you've written, though, I doubt
> you'll
> > > get
> > > > stable with that much memory allocated
> > > > to the JVM.
> > > >
> > > > Best,
> > > > Erick
> > > >
> > > >
> > > >
> > > > On Sun, Jan 25, 2015 at 1:02 PM, Vijay Sekhri <
> >
> > > > wrote:
> > > >
> > > > > We have a cluster of solr cloud server with 10 shards and 4
> replicas
> > in
> > > > > each shard in our stress environment. In our prod environment we
> will
> > > > have
> > > > > 10 shards and 15 replicas in each shard. Our current commit
> settings
> > > are
> > > > as
> > > > > follows
> > > > >
> > > > > *    <autoSoftCommit>*
> > > > > *        <maxDocs>500000</maxDocs>*
> > > > > *        <maxTime>180000</maxTime>*
> > > > > *    </autoSoftCommit>*
> > > > > *    <autoCommit>*
> > > > > *        <maxDocs>2000000</maxDocs>*
> > > > > *        <maxTime>180000</maxTime>*
> > > > > *        <openSearcher>false</openSearcher>*
> > > > > *    </autoCommit>*
> > > > >
> > > > >
> > > > > We indexed roughly 90 Million docs. We have two different ways to
> > index
> > > > > documents a) Full indexing. It takes 4 hours to index 90 Million
> docs
> > > and
> > > > > the rate of docs coming to the searcher is around 6000 per second
> b)
> > > > > Incremental indexing. It takes an hour to indexed delta changes.
> > > Roughly
> > > > > there are 3 million changes and rate of docs coming to the
> searchers
> > is
> > > > > 2500
> > > > > per second
> > > > >
> > > > > We have two collections search1 and search2. When we do full
> > indexing ,
> > > > we
> > > > > do it in search2 collection while search1 is serving live traffic.
> > > After
> > > > it
> > > > > finishes we swap the collection using aliases so that the search2
> > > > > collection serves live traffic while search1 becomes available for
> > next
> > > > > full indexing run. When we do incremental indexing we do it in the
> > > > search1
> > > > > collection which is serving live traffic.
> > > > >
> > > > > All our searchers have 12 GB of RAM available and have quad core
> > > Intel(R)
> > > > > Xeon(R) CPU X5570 @ 2.93GHz. There is only one java process running
> > i.e
> > > > > jboss and solr in it . All 12 GB is available as heap for the java
> > > > > process.  We have observed that the heap memory of the java process
> > > > average
> > > > > around 8 - 10 GB. All searchers have final index size of 9 GB. So
> in
> > > > total
> > > > > there are 9X10 (shards) =  90GB worth of index files.
> > > > >
> > > > >  We have observed the following issue when we trigger indexing . In
> > > about
> > > > > 10 minutes after we trigger indexing on 14 parallel hosts, the
> > replicas
> > > > > goes in to recovery mode. This happens to all the shards . In about
> > 20
> > > > > minutes more and more replicas start going into recovery mode.
> After
> > > > about
> > > > > half an hour all replicas except the leader are in recovery mode.
> We
> > > > cannot
> > > > > throttle the indexing load as that will increase our overall
> indexing
> > > > time.
> > > > > So to overcome this issue, we remove all the replicas before we
> > trigger
> > > > the
> > > > > indexing and then add them back after the indexing finishes.
> > > > >
> > > > > We observe the same behavior of replicas going into recovery when
> we
> > do
> > > > > incremental indexing. We cannot remove replicas during our
> > incremental
> > > > > indexing because it is also serving live traffic. We tried to
> > throttle
> > > > our
> > > > > indexing speed , however the cluster still goes into recovery .
> > > > >
> > > > > If we leave the cluster as it , when the indexing finishes , it
> > > > eventually
> > > > > recovers after a while. As it is serving live traffic we cannot
> have
> > > > these
> > > > > replicas go into recovery mode because it degrades the search
> > > performance
> > > > > also , our tests have shown.
> > > > >
> > > > > We have tried different commit settings like below
> > > > >
> > > > > a) No auto soft commit, no auto hard commit and a commit triggered
> at
> > > the
> > > > > end of indexing b) No auto soft commit, yes auto hard commit and a
> > > commit
> > > > > in the end of indexing
> > > > > c) Yes auto soft commit , no auto hard commit
> > > > > d) Yes auto soft commit , yes auto hard commit
> > > > > e) Different frequency setting for commits for above. Please NOTE
> > that
> > > we
> > > > > have tried 15 minute soft commit setting and 30 minutes hard commit
> > > > > settings. Same time settings for both, 30 minute soft commit and an
> > > hour
> > > > > hard commit setting
> > > > >
> > > > > Unfortunately all the above yields the same behavior . The replicas
> > > still
> > > > > goes in recovery We have increased the zookeeper timeout from 30
> > > seconds
> > > > to
> > > > > 5 minutes and the problem persists. Is there any setting that would
> > fix
> > > > > this issue ?
> > > > >
> > > > > --
> > > > > *********************************************
> > > > > Vijay Sekhri
> > > > > *********************************************
> > > > >
> > > >
> > >
> > >
> > >
> > > --
> > > *********************************************
> > > Vijay Sekhri
> > > *********************************************
> > >
> >
> --
> *********************************************
> Vijay Sekhri
> *********************************************

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