Thanks to everyone for the thought, time and effort put into AutoPhrasingTokenFilter(APTF)! It's a real lifesaver. While trying to add APTF to my indexing, i discovered that the original (TS) version throws an exception while indexing a 100MB PDF. The error isException writing document to the index; possible analysis errorThe modified (JS) version runs without error, but it removes the tokens used to create the phrase. They are needed. Before looking into this i have a question; Solr would normally tokenize the phrasethe peoples republic of china isasthe(1) peoples(2) republic(3) of(4) china(5) is(6) Defining the APTF phrase file asthe Solr admin analysis page reports that the APTF indexer tokenizes the phrase asWould it be possible for someone to explain the reasoning behind the discontinuous token numbering? As it is now phrase queries such as "republic of china" will fail. And i can't get proximity queries like "republic of"~10 to work either (though it seems they should). Wouldn't it be more flexible to return the following tokenizationThis allows spurious matches such as "peoples peoplesrepublic" but it seems like this type of event would be very rare. It has the advantage of allowing phrase queries to continue working the way most users think. Thank you for supporting more than one entity definition per phrase (ie peoplesrepublic and peoplesrepublicofchina). This is type of contraction is common in longer documents, especially when the first used phrase ends with a preposition. It helps support robust matching.
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