Matt -

That is true about the recommendation; use bin/solr to start and stop Solr and 
consider it a black box service in that manner.  We’re getting out of the 
business of supporting other containers and reigning it in like this.

Underneath there currently is still a .war web app (which may change in future 
releases), so technically it will still work with Tomcat but “don’t do that” is 
what you’ll hear here.


> On Feb 10, 2015, at 11:48 AM, Matt Kuiper <> wrote:
> I am starting to look in to Solr 5.0.  I have been running Solr 4.* on 
> Tomcat.   I was surprised to find the following notice on 
> (Marked as Unreleased)
>     Beginning with Solr 5.0, Support for deploying Solr as a WAR in servlet 
> containers like Tomcat is no longer supported.
> I want to verify that it is true that Solr 5.0 will not be able to run on 
> Tomcat, and confirm that the recommended way to deploy Solr 5.0 is as a Linux 
> service.
> Thanks,
> Matt

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