As an application developer, I have to agree with this direction.   I ran
ManifoldCF and Solr together in the same Tomcat, and the sl4j
configurations of the two conflicted with strange results.   From a systems
administrator/operations perspective, a separate install allows better
packaging, e.g. Debian and RPM packages are then possible, although may not
be preferred as many enterprises will want to use Oracle Java rather than

On Tue, Feb 10, 2015 at 1:12 PM, Matt Kuiper <> wrote:

> Thanks for all the responses.  I am planning a new project, and
> considering deployment options at this time.  It's helpful to see where
> Solr is headed.
> Thanks,
> Matt Kuiper
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Shawn Heisey []
> Sent: Tuesday, February 10, 2015 10:05 AM
> To:
> Subject: Re: Solr on Tomcat
> On 2/10/2015 9:48 AM, Matt Kuiper wrote:
> > I am starting to look in to Solr 5.0.  I have been running Solr 4.* on
> Tomcat.   I was surprised to find the following notice on
>  (Marked as Unreleased)
> >
> >      Beginning with Solr 5.0, Support for deploying Solr as a WAR in
> servlet containers like Tomcat is no longer supported.
> >
> > I want to verify that it is true that Solr 5.0 will not be able to run
> on Tomcat, and confirm that the recommended way to deploy Solr 5.0 is as a
> Linux service.
> Solr will eventually (hopefully soon) be entirely its own application.
> The documentation you have seen in the reference guide is there to prepare
> users for this eventuality.
> Right now we are in a transition period.  We have built scripts for
> controlling the start and stop of the example server installation.
> Under the covers, Solr is still a web application contained in a war and
> the example server still runs an unmodified copy of jetty.  Down the road,
> when Solr will becomes a completely standalone application, we will merely
> have to modify the script wrapper to use it, and the user may not even
> notice the change.
> With 5.0, if you want to run in tomcat, you will be able to find the war
> in the download's server/webapps directory and use it just like you do now
> ... but we will be encouraging people to NOT do this, because eventually it
> will be completely unsupported.
> Thanks,
> Shawn

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