If your expire_at_dt field is not populated automatically, let's step
back and recheck a sanity setting. You said it is a managed schema? Is
it a schemaless as well? With an explicit processor chain? If that's
the case, your default chain may not be running AT ALL.....

So, recheck your solrconfig.xml. Or add another explicit field
population inside the chain, just like the example did with
TimestampUpdateProcessorFactory :


On 26 February 2015 at 07:52, Makailol Charls <4extrama...@gmail.com> wrote:
> " since your time_to_live_s and expire_at_dt fields are both
> stored, can you confirm that a expire_at_dt field is getting popularted by
> the update processor by doing as simple query for your doc (ie
> q=id:10seconds) "
> No, expire_at_dt field does not get populated when we have added document
> with the TTL defined in the TTL field. Like with following query,

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