
Thanks for the reply.

I am just beginning with the solr, so not much familiar with the settings
of the solr. I have created solr "collection1" core with the following

bin/solr create -c collection1

Then modified the managed-schema file to add required field definitions

There were no changes made in the solrconfig.xml file except added that
<updateRequestProcessorChain default="true"></updateRequestProcessorChain>

I can see below code defined in my solrconfig.xml file by default.

<initParams path="/update/**,/query,/select,/tvrh,/elevate,/spell,/browse">
<lst name="defaults">
    <str name="df">_text</str>

<initParams path="/update/**">
<lst name="defaults">
    <str name="update.chain">add-unknown-fields-to-the-schema</str>

*While for <requestHandler/> I think its below one?*

<requestHandler name="/update/extract"
                class="solr.extraction.ExtractingRequestHandler" >
<lst name="defaults">
    <str name="lowernames">true</str>
    <str name="fmap.meta">ignored_</str>
    <str name="fmap.content">_text</str>


On Thu, Feb 26, 2015 at 10:39 PM, Chris Hostetter <hossman_luc...@fucit.org>

> : If your expire_at_dt field is not populated automatically, let's step
> : back and recheck a sanity setting. You said it is a managed schema? Is
> : it a schemaless as well? With an explicit processor chain? If that's
> : the case, your default chain may not be running AT ALL.....
> yeah ... my only guess here is that even though you posted before that you
> had this configured in your defaut chain...
>     <processor class="solr.processor.DocExpirationUpdateProcessorFactory">
>       <int name="autoDeletePeriodSeconds">30</int>
>       <str name="ttlFieldName">time_to_live_s</str>
>       <str name="expirationFieldName">expire_at_dt</str>
>     </processor>
> ...perhaps you have an update.chain=foo type default param configured for
> your /update handler?
> * what does your /update <requestHandler/> config look like?
> * are you using the new <initParams/> feature of solr? what does it's
> config look like?
> : So, recheck your solrconfig.xml. Or add another explicit field
> : population inside the chain, just like the example did with
> : TimestampUpdateProcessorFactory :
> : https://lucidworks.com/blog/document-expiration/
> yeah ... that would help as a sanity check as well ... point is: we need
> to verify which chain you are using when adding the doc.
> :
> :
> :
> : ----
> : Solr Analyzers, Tokenizers, Filters, URPs and even a newsletter:
> : http://www.solr-start.com/
> :
> -Hoss
> http://www.lucidworks.com/

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