
Will like to check, for the SynonymFilterFactory, I have the following in
my synonyms.txt:

Titanium Dioxides, titanium oxide, pigment
pigment, colour, colouring material

If I set expend=false, and I search for q=pigment, I will get results that
matches pigment, Titanium Dioxides and titanium oxide. But it will not
maches colour and colouring materials, as all equivalent synonyms will only
matches those first in the list.

If I set expend=false, and I search for q=pigment, I'll get results that
matches everything in the list (ie: Titanium Dioxides, titanium oxide,
colour, colouring material)

Is my understand correct?

Also, I will like to check, how come if I search q="pigment" (enclosed in
quotes), I only get matches for Titanium Dioxides and not pigment?


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