My crude approximation is that docValues increases the disk size,
but that's mostly due to serializing data that would be built in-memory,
basically serializing these structures. So while they increase
disk size, the memory requirements aren't increased. AFAIK, the
in-memory size is a bit smaller and (I think) some of the data can be
in MMapDirectory space which decreases pressure on the JVM heap,
which is a good thing.

So the measure of whether anything's wrong is really whether your JVM
memory goes up or down afterwards.

I'm surprised by the word "exponential" here, if you're just measuring with
a few documents the growth rate is probably deceptive.

And be sure to re-index the entire corpus after adding docValues, I usually
remove the entire data directory when I change the schema.


On Fri, Aug 7, 2015 at 12:25 PM, naga sharathrayapati
<> wrote:
> i have added docValues="true" to my existing schema and I have seen
> exponential increase in the size of the index.
> The reason in going with docValues is to improve the faceting query time.
> schema:
> <field name="abcdef" type="date" indexed="true" stored="true"
> multiValued="false" docValues="true"/>
> Is this ok? am i doing anything wrong in the schema?

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