This could have multiple solutions

1) "read" should cover all the paths
2) system properties are a strict NO . This can be strictly a property
of the Authentication plugin. So , you can use the API to modify the

On Sat, Nov 21, 2015 at 3:57 AM, Jan Høydahl <> wrote:
>> ideally we should have a simple permission name called "all" (which we
>> don't have)
>> so that one rule should be enough
>> "name":"all",
>> "role":"somerole"
>> Open a ticket and we should fix it for 5.4.0
>> It should also include  the admin paths as well
> Yes, that would be convenient.
> I still don’t like the existing "open-by-default” security mode of Solr. It 
> is very fragile to mis-configuration without people noticing. Take the 
> well-known permission “read” for instance. It protects /select and /get. But 
> it won’t protect /query, /browse, /export, /spell, /suggest, /tvrh, /terms, 
> /clustering or /elevate, all which also expose sensitive info.
> How about allowing to choose between three different security modes?
>          : As today - paths not configured are wide 
> open
> : Paths not configured are open to any 
> authenticated user
>      : Paths not configured are closed to all. 
> All acccess is explicitly configured
> /Jan

Noble Paul

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