At my organization, I want to create a tool that allows users to keep a solr 
configuration as a Git repository.   Then, I want my Continuous Integration 
environment to take some branch of the git repository and "publish" it into 

Working on my own, it is only a very small pain to note foolish errors I've 
made, fix them, and restart.    However, I want my users to be able to edit 
their own Solr schema and config *most* of the time, at least on development 
servers.    They will not have command-line access to these servers, and I want 
to avoid endless restarts.

I'm not interested in fighting to maintain such a useless thing as a DTD/XSD 
without community support; what I really want to know is whether Solr will 
start and can index some sample documents.   I'm wondering whether I might be 
able to build a tool to fire up an EmbeddedSolrServer and capture error 
messages/exceptions in a reasonable way.     This tool could then be run by my 
users before they commit to git, and then again by the CI server before it 
"publishes" the configuration to ZooKeeper/SolrCloud.

Any suggestions?

Dan Davis, Systems/Applications Architect (Contractor),
Office of Computer and Communications Systems,
National Library of Medicine, NIH

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