Is there any interest in this?  While i think it's important and inline
with faceting available in the new json facet api, I've seen no discussion
on it so I'm wondering if it's best I add support for this using a custom
facet component even though the majority of the component will be a copy
which is prefer to not need to maintain separately.

On Dec 22, 2015 12:37 PM, "Jamie Johnson" <> wrote:

> I had previously piggybacked on another post, but I think it may have been
> lost there.  I had a need to do UnInvertedField based faceting in the
> FacetsComponent and as such started looking at what would be required to
> implement something similar to what the JSON Facets based API does in this
> regard.  The patch that I have in this regard works and is attached to
>, is that appropriate or
> should I create a new ticket to specifically add this support?
> -Jamie

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