
> I suppose there are a clue over there
> http://blog.griddynamics.com/2015/08/scoring-join-party-in-solr-53.html

It worked for two level docs. 

If we have 3 level nested docs: 
parent -> middle -> child [with price field we try to sort] 
then there is a problem when score=min:

If we make child request so that middle docs also match (e.g. to recieve their 
facets) then since middle docs do not have price field their score is 0. And 
hence min score of parent docs is 0 for all of them.

bjqfacet?q={!parent which=doc_type_s:baseDocument 
score=min}(doc_type_s:childDocument OR doc_type_s:middleDocument)^=0 AND 

I guess that in this case when score=min we somehow should change score of 
middle docs to be maximum even though they have no price field. So they wont 
affect result score.


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