Just want to make sure that you can combine two {!parent} and propagate
score from child to parent, like it's described at

On Fri, Mar 11, 2016 at 4:08 PM, Jhon Smith <doom...@gmx.com> wrote:

> Mikhail,
> > I suppose there are a clue over there
> > http://blog.griddynamics.com/2015/08/scoring-join-party-in-solr-53.html
> It worked for two level docs.
> If we have 3 level nested docs:
> parent -> middle -> child [with price field we try to sort]
> then there is a problem when score=min:
> If we make child request so that middle docs also match (e.g. to recieve
> their facets) then since middle docs do not have price field their score is
> 0. And hence min score of parent docs is 0 for all of them.
> bjqfacet?q={!parent which=doc_type_s:baseDocument
> score=min}(doc_type_s:childDocument OR doc_type_s:middleDocument)^=0 AND
> {!func}child_doc_price_field&child.facet.field=child_doc_field&child.facet.field=middle_doc_field&fl=*,[docid],score&sort=score
> asc
> I guess that in this case when score=min we somehow should change score of
> middle docs to be maximum even though they have no price field. So they
> wont affect result score.

Sincerely yours
Mikhail Khludnev
Principal Engineer,
Grid Dynamics


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