If you're seeing a crash, then that's a distinct problem from the WARN -- it 
might be related tothe warning, but it's not identical -- Solr doesn't always 
(or even normally) crash in the "Overlapping onDeckSearchers"

That is what I hoped for. But I could see nothing else in the log. All I'm 
trying to do is run a full import in the DIH handler and index some 10 records 
from DB and check the "commit' check box. Then when I immediately re-run the 
full import again OR do a reload config, I start seeing this warning and my 
collection crashes.

I have turn off autocommit in the solrconfig.

I can try and avoid frequent hard commits but I wanted a solution to overcome 
this WARN if an accidental frequent hard commit happens.

Thank you,
Aswath NS

-----Original Message-----
From: Chris Hostetter [mailto:hossman_luc...@fucit.org]
Sent: Monday, March 21, 2016 2:26 PM
To: solr-user@lucene.apache.org
Subject: RE: PERFORMANCE WARNING: Overlapping onDeckSearchers=2

: What I'm wondering is, what should one do to fix this issue when it
: happens. Is there a way to recover? after the WARN appears.

It's just a warning that you have a sub-optimal situation from a performance 
standpoint -- either committing too fast, or warming too much.
It's not a failure, and Solr will continue to serve queries and process updates 
-- but meanwhile it's detected that the situation it's in involves wasted 

: In my observation, this WARN comes when I hit frequent hard commits or
: hit re-load config. I'm not planning on to hit frequent hard commits,
: however sometimes accidently it happens. And when it happens the
: collection crashes without a recovery.

If you're seeing a crash, then that's a distinct problem from the WARN -- it 
might be related tothe warning, but it's not identical -- Solr doesn't always 
(or even normally) crash in the "Overlapping onDeckSearchers"

So if you are seeing crashes, please give us more detials about these
crashes: namely more details about everything you are seeing in your logs (on 
all the nodes, even if only one node is crashing)



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