> Is this all expected behaviour?
Yes. As Since each Solr node has access to the entire state, an
arbitrary Solr node can figure out where to forward a request for some
collection it doesn't host.

>Is there any performance gain with what I have at this precise stage?  The 
>extra server certainly makes it appear i could balance more load/requests, but 
>I guess the queries are just being forwarded on to the servers with the actual 

Not really. The work of searching is done by the Solr nodes hosting
the collection.

Am I correct in thinking I can now create a new collection on this
host, and begin to build up a new cluster?  and they won't interfere
with each other at all?

Also, that I'll be able to see both collections when using the admin
UI Cloud page on any of the servers in either collection?

On Wed, Mar 23, 2016 at 8:43 AM, Robert Brown <r...@intelcompute.com> wrote:
> So I setup a new solr server to point to my existing ZK configs.
> When going to the admin UI on this new server I can see the shards/replica's
> of the existing collection, and can even query it, even tho this new server
> has no cores on it itself.
> Is this all expected behaviour?
> Is there any performance gain with what I have at this precise stage?  The
> extra server certainly makes it appear i could balance more load/requests,
> but I guess the queries are just being forwarded on to the servers with the
> actual data?
> Am I correct in thinking I can now create a new collection on this host, and
> begin to build up a new cluster?  and they won't interfere with each other
> at all?
> Also, that I'll be able to see both collections when using the admin UI
> Cloud page on any of the servers in either collection?
> Thanks,
> Rob
> On 03/22/2016 04:47 PM, Erick Erickson wrote:
>> The whole _point_ of configsets is to re-use them in multiple
>> collections, so please do!
>> Best,
>> Erick
>> On Tue, Mar 22, 2016 at 5:38 AM, Robert Brown <r...@intelcompute.com>
>> wrote:
>>> Hi,
>>> Is it safe to create a new cluster but use an existing config set that's
>>> in
>>> zookeeper?  Or does that config set contain the cluster status too?
>>> I want to (re)-build a cluster from scratch, with a different amount of
>>> shards, but not using shard-splitting.
>>> Thanks,
>>> Rob

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