This has answers about why giving enough memory to OS is important:
And as per solr admin dashboard, the os cache (physical memory is almost
utilized where as memory allocated to jvm is not used) so its best to lower
jvm memory.
Why set xms=xmx? this link pretty much answers it:

On Tue, Apr 12, 2016 at 3:05 PM, Bastien Latard - MDPI AG <> wrote:

> Thank you both, Bill and Reth!
> Here is my current options from my command to launch java:
> */usr/bin/java  -Xms20480m -Xmx40960m -XX:PermSize=10240m
> -XX:MaxPermSize=20480m [...]*
> So should I do *-Xms20480m -Xmx20480m* ?
> Why? What would it change?
> Reminder: the size of my main index is 46Gb... (80Gb all together)
> BTW: what's the difference between dark and light grey in the JVM
> representation? (real/virtual memory?)
> NOTE: I have only tomcat running on this server (and this is my live
> website - *i.e.: quite critical*).
> So if document cache is using the OS cache, this might be the problem,
> right?
> (because it seems to cache every field ==> so all the data returned by the
> query)
> kr,
> Bast
> On 12/04/2016 08:19, Reth RM wrote:
> As per solr admin dashboard's memory report, solr jvm is not using memory
> more than 20 gb, where as physical memory is almost full.  I'd set
> xms=xmx=16 gb and let operating system use rest. And regarding caches:
>  filter cache hit ratio looks good so it should not be concern. And afaik,
> document cache actually uses OS cache. Overall, I'd reduce memory allocated
> to jvm as said above and try.
> On Mon, Apr 11, 2016 at 7:40 PM, <> <> 
> wrote:
> You do need to optimize to get rid of the deleted docs probably...
> That is a lot of deleted docs
> Bill Bell
> Sent from mobile
> On Apr 11, 2016, at 7:39 AM, Bastien Latard - MDPI AG
> <> <> wrote:
> Dear Solr experts :),
> I read this very interesting post 'Understanding and tuning your Solr
> caches' !
> This is the only good document that I was able to find after searching
> for 1 day!
> I was using Solr for 2 years without knowing in details what it was
> caching...(because I did not need to understand it before).
> I had to take a look since I needed to restart (regularly) my tomcat in
> order to improve performances...
> But I now have 2 questions:
> 1) How can I know how much RAM is my solr using in real (especially for
> caching)?
> 2) Could you have a quick look into the following images and tell me if
> I'm doing something wrong?
> Note: my index contains 66 millions of articles with several text fields
> stored.
> <mime-attachment.png>
> My solr contains several cores (all together are ~80Gb big), but almost
> only the one below is used.
> I have the feeling that a lot of data is always stored in RAM...and
> getting bigger and bigger all the time...
> <mime-attachment.png>
> <mime-attachment.png>
> (after restart)
> $ sudo tail -f /var/log/tomcat7/catalina.out | grep GC
> <mime-attachment.png>
> [...] after a few minutes
> <mime-attachment.png>
> Here are some images, that can show you some stats about my Solr
> performances...
> <mime-attachment.png>
> <mime-attachment.png>
> <mime-attachment.png>
> <mime-attachment.png>
> Kind regards,
> Bastien Latard
> Kind regards,
> Bastien Latard
> Web engineer
> --
> Postfach, CH-4005 Basel, Switzerland
> Office: Klybeckstrasse 64, CH-4057
> Tel. +41 61 683 77 35
> Fax: +41 61 302 89 18
> E-mail: latard@mdpi.com

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