On 4/12/2016 3:35 AM, Bastien Latard - MDPI AG wrote:
> Thank you both, Bill and Reth!
> Here is my current options from my command to launch java:
> */usr/bin/java  -Xms20480m -Xmx40960m -XX:PermSize=10240m
> -XX:MaxPermSize=20480m [...]*
> So should I do *-Xms20480m -Xmx20480m*?
> Why? What would it change?

You do *NOT* need a 10GB permsize.  That's a definite waste of memory --
most of it will never get used.  It's probably best to let Java handle
the permgen.  This generation is entirely eliminated in Java 8.  In Java
7, the permsize usually doesn't need adjusting ... but if it does, Solr
probably wouldn't even start without an adjustment.

Regarding something said in another reply on this thread:  The
documentCache *does* live in the Java heap, not the OS memory.  The OS
caches the actual index files, and documentCache is maintained by Solr
itself, separately from that.

It is highly unlikely that you will ever need a 40GB heap.  You might
not even need a 20GB heap.  As I said earlier:  Based on what I saw in
your screenshots, I think you can run with an 8g heap (-Xms8g -Xmx8g),
but you might need to try 12g instead.


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