I have the following (essentially hard-coded) line in the Solr Admin Query

bq: contentType:(searchTerm1 searchTerm2 searchTerm2)^1000

The "searchTerm" entries represent whatever the user typed into the search
box.  This can be one or more words.  Usually less than 5.

I want to put the search parameters I've built in the Admin UI into a

I think that means I need a like like this in the searchHandler in

<str name="bq">contentType:(magic_reference_to_incoming_search)^1000</str>

Am I oversimplifying?

How can I accurately reference the incoming search terms as a "variable" or
parameter in the requestHandler XML?

Is it as simple as $q?  Something more complex?

Is there any choice besides the somewhat arcane local params?  If not, what
is the simplest, most straightforward way to reference incoming query terms
using local params?


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