OK - that's interesting.  Perhaps I'm thinking too much like a developer
and just want to be able to reach into context and grab anything any time I
want...  Thanks for the input...


To clarify, I want to boost the document's score if the user enters a term
found in the contentType field.

As an example, the term "figo" is one of a few that are stored in the
contentType field.  It's not a multivalued field - one entry per document.

If a user types in "foobarbaz figo" I want all documents with "figo" in the
contentType field boosted above every other document in the results.  The
order of docs can be determined by the other scores - my user's rule is
simply that any with "figo" in contentType should be appear above any which
do NOT have "figo" in that field.

I can't know when the users will type any of the "magic" contentType terms
into the search, so I think I have to run the search every time against the
contentType field.

So - that's my underlying use case - and as I say, I'm beginning to think
the edismax setting of qf= text contentType^1000 answers my need really
well -- and is easier.  A quick test looks like I'm getting the results I

On Thu, Apr 14, 2016 at 1:02 PM, Erick Erickson <erickerick...@gmail.com>

> You really don't do that in solrconfig.xml.
> This seems like an XY problem. You're trying
> to solve some particular use-case and accessing the
> terms in solrconfig.xml. You've already found the ability
> to configure edismax as your defType and apply boosts
> to particular fields...
> Best,
> Erick
> On Thu, Apr 14, 2016 at 11:53 AM, John Bickerstaff
> <j...@johnbickerstaff.com> wrote:
> > Maybe I'm overdoing it...
> >
> > It seems to me that qf= text contentType^1000 would do this for me more
> > easily - as it appears to assume the incoming search terms...
> >
> > However, I'd still like to know the simplest way to reference the search
> > terms in the XML - or possibly get a URL that points the way.
> >
> > Thanks.
> >
> > On Thu, Apr 14, 2016 at 12:34 PM, John Bickerstaff <
> j...@johnbickerstaff.com
> >> wrote:
> >
> >> I have the following (essentially hard-coded) line in the Solr Admin
> Query
> >> UI
> >>
> >> =====
> >> bq: contentType:(searchTerm1 searchTerm2 searchTerm2)^1000
> >> =====
> >>
> >> The "searchTerm" entries represent whatever the user typed into the
> search
> >> box.  This can be one or more words.  Usually less than 5.
> >>
> >> I want to put the search parameters I've built in the Admin UI into a
> >> requestHandler.
> >>
> >> I think that means I need a like like this in the searchHandler in
> >> solrconfig.xml
> >>
> >> =====
> >> <str
> name="bq">contentType:(magic_reference_to_incoming_search)^1000</str>
> >> -->
> >> =====
> >>
> >> Am I oversimplifying?
> >>
> >> How can I accurately reference the incoming search terms as a "variable"
> >> or parameter in the requestHandler XML?
> >>
> >> Is it as simple as $q?  Something more complex?
> >>
> >> Is there any choice besides the somewhat arcane local params?  If not,
> >> what is the simplest, most straightforward way to reference incoming
> query
> >> terms using local params?
> >>
> >> Thanks...
> >>

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