In your original command, you listed the same port twice.  That may have
been at least part of the difficulty.

It's probably fine to just use one zk node - as the zookeeper instances
should be aware of each other.

I also assume that if your (or windows equavalent) has the
properly formatted entry for all the zk nodes, Solr will be able to find a
different one if the one you pass in goes down...

Here's the entry from my file in case it's helpful.  I got away without the
port number (I assume) because I'm using the default 2181 on all my
zookeeper nodes which are separate servers.

# Set the ZooKeeper connection string if using an external ZooKeeper
# e.g. host1:2181,host2:2181/chroot
# Leave empty if not using SolrCloud

On Tue, May 17, 2016 at 4:30 AM, scott.chu <> wrote:

> I issue  '-z localhost:2181 -z localhost:2182 -z localhost:2183' for each
> node's start command and later when I create collection, all 3 zk nodes has
> registered my configset.
> Never try but I think maybe only use -z localhost:2181, then all 3 nodes
> in zk ensemble will synchronize themselves.
> scott.chu,
> 2016/5/17 (週二)
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: scott(自己)
> To: solr-user
> CC:
> Date: 2016/5/17 (週二) 15:35
> Subject: [scottchu] How to specify multiple zk nodes using solr start
> commandunder Windows
> I start 3 zk nodes at port 2181,2182, and 2183 on my local machine.
> Go into Solr 5.4.1 root folder and issue and issue the command in article
> 'Setting Up an External ZooKeeper Ensemble' in reference guide
> bin\Solr start -c -s mynodes\node1 -z
> localhost:2181,localhost:2181,localhost:2183
> but it doesn't run but just show help page of start command in solr.cmd.
> How should I issue the correct command?
> -----
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