Please share the exact query syntax?

Are you using a collection you built or one of the examples?

On Fri, Sep 16, 2016 at 9:06 AM, Pritchett, James <> wrote:

> I apologize if this is a really stupid question. I followed all
> instructions on installing Tutorial, got data loaded, everything works
> great until I try to query with a field name -- e.g., name:foundation. I
> get zero results from this or any other query which specifies a field name.
> Simple queries return results, and the field names are listed in those
> results correctly. But if I query using names that I know are there and
> values that I know are there, I get nothing.
> I figure this must be something basic that is not right about the way
> things have gotten set up, but I am completely blocked at this point. I
> tried blowing it all away and restarting from scratch with no luck. Where
> should I be looking for problems here? I am running this on a MacBook, OS X
> 10.9, latest JDK (1.8).
> James
> --
> *James Pritchett*
> Leader, Process Redesign and Analysis
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