On 12/19/2016 7:12 PM, Lasitha Wattaladeniya wrote:
> *Requirement *is, we are showing a list of entries on a page. For each
> user there's a read / unread flag. The data for listing is fetched
> from solr. And you can see the entry was previously read or not. So
> when a user views an entry by clicking. We are updating the database
> flag to READ and use real time indexing to update solr index. So when
> the user close the full view of the entry and go back to entry listing
> page, the data fetched from solr should be updated to READ. Can't we
> achieve a requirement as described above using solr ? (without
> manipulating the previously fetched results list from solr, because at
> some point we'll have to go back to search results from solr and at
> that time it should be updated).

If you want the user to see that state reflected in their own results,
it's probably far easier to have the application track what the user has
opened in the last minute or so, and if those specific IDs are in the
results, mark them as read regardless of what Solr returns.

Shortly after the application sends the update, the results coming back
from Solr should be current, which is why your application won't need to
hold onto that information for very long.


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