Hi Rick and Erick,

Thanks for responding. I made sure that there is no other process running
on that port.

Also when this happened, the admin page had all the nodes as live nodes
though some of them are down. So I went ahead and emptied the zookeeper
data directory where all the configuration is stored in version-2 folder. I
then had to upload the configuration again and placed my index fresh in the

It then came up fine. I was playing with JMX parameters to be passed to jvm
before this started to happen. Not sure if this got to do something with it.


On Wed, May 3, 2017 at 7:01 AM Rick Leir <rl...@leirtech.com> wrote:

> Here it is on Fedora/Redhat/Centos (similar on Unix like systems). Look
> for other processes which might already be listening on the port you
> want to listen on:
> $ sudo netstat --inet -lp -4
> Active Internet connections (only servers)
> Proto Recv-Q Send-Q Local Address           Foreign Address
> State       PID/Program name
> tcp        0      0*               LISTEN
> 2577/dovecot
> tcp        0      0*               LISTEN
> 2577/dovecot
> ...
> $ grep pop3s /etc/services
> pop3s           995/tcp                         # POP-3 over SSL
> pop3s           995/udp                         # POP-3 over SSL
> I mention pop3s just because you will run into misleading port numbers
> which alias some well known services which are listed in the services file.
> cheers -- Rick
> On 2017-05-02 05:09 PM, Rick Leir wrote:
> > Satya
> > Say netstat --inet -lP
> > You might need to add -ipv4 to that command. The P might be lower case
> (I am on the bus!). And the output might show misleading service names, see
> /etc/services.
> > Cheers-- Rick
> >
> > On May 2, 2017 3:10:30 PM EDT, Satya Marivada <satya.chaita...@gmail.com>
> wrote:
> >> Hi,
> >>
> >> I am getting the below exception all of a sudden with solr-6.3.0.
> >> "null:org.apache.solr.common.SolrException: A previous ephemeral live
> >> node
> >> still exists. Solr cannot continue. Please ensure that no other Solr
> >> process using the same port is running already."
> >>
> >> We are using external zookeeper and have restarted solr many times.
> >> There
> >> is no solr running on those ports already. Any suggestions. Looks like
> >> a
> >> bug. Had started using jmx option and then started getting it. Turned
> >> jmx
> >> off, still getting the same issue.
> >>
> >> We are in crunch of time, any workaround to get it started would be
> >> helpful. Not sure where solr is seeing that port, when everything is
> >> started clean.
> >>
> >> Thanks,
> >> Satya

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