
Yes, cloud, ahhh. As you say, the world changed. Do you have any hint from the cloud provider as to which physical machine your virtual server is on? If so, you can hopefully distribute your replicas across physical machines. This is not just for reliability: in a sharded system, each query will cause activity in several virtual servers and you would prefer that they are on separate physical machines, not competing for resources. Maybe, for Solr, you should choose a provider which can lease you the whole physical machine. You would prefer a 256G machine over several shards on 64G virtual machines.

And many cloud providers assume that servers are mostly idle, so they cram too many server containers into a machine. Then, very occasionally, you get OOM even though you did not exceed your advertised RAM. This is a topic for some other forum, where should I look?

With AWS you can choose to locate your virtual machine in US-west-Oregon or US-east-i-forget or a few other locations, but that is a very coarse division. Can you choose physical machine?

With Google, it might be dynamic?
cheers -- Rick

On 2017-05-09 03:44 AM, Bernd Fehling wrote:
I would name your solution more a work around as any similar solution of this 
The issue SOLR-6027 is now 3 years open and the world has changed.
Instead of racks full of blades where you had many dedicated bare metal servers
you have now huge machines with 256GB RAM and many CPUs. Virtualization has 
taken place.
To get under these conditions some independance from the physical hardware you 
to spread the shards across several physical machines with virtual servers.
>From my point of view it is a good solution to have 5 virtual 64GB servers
on 5 different huge physical machines and start 2 instances on each virtual 
If I would split up each 64GB virtual server into two 32GB virtual server there 
be no gain. We don't have 10 huge machines (no security win) and we have to 
and control 10 virtual servers instead of 5 (plus zookeeper servers).

It is state of the art that you don't have to care about the servers within
the cloud. This is the main sense of a cloud.
The leader should always be aware who are the members of his cloud, how to reach
them (IP address) and how are the users of the cloud (collections) distributed
across the cloud.

It would be great if a solution of issue SOLR-6027 would lead to some kind of
"automatic mode" for server distribution, without any special configuring.


Am 08.05.2017 um 17:47 schrieb Erick Erickson:
Also, you can specify custom placement rules, see:

But Shawn's statement is the nub of what you're seeing, by default
multiple JVMs on the same physical machine are considered separate
Solr instances.

Also note that if you want to, you can specify a nodeSet when you
create the nodes, and in particular the special value EMPTY. That'll
create a collection with no replicas and you can ADDREPLICA to
precisely place each one if you require that level of control.


On Mon, May 8, 2017 at 7:44 AM, Shawn Heisey <> wrote:
On 5/8/2017 5:38 AM, Bernd Fehling wrote:
boss ------ shard1 ----- server2:7574
        |             |-- server2:8983 (leader)
The reason that this happened is because you've got two nodes running on
every server.  From SolrCloud's perspective, there are ten distinct
nodes, not five.

SolrCloud doesn't notice the fact that different nodes are running on
the same server(s).  If your reaction to hearing this is that it
*should* notice, you're probably right, but in a typical use case, each
server should only be running one Solr instance, so this would never happen.

There is only one instance where I can think of where I would recommend
running multiple instances per server, and that is when the required
heap size for a single instance would be VERY large.  Running two
instances with smaller heaps can yield better performance.

See this issue:


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